Chapter 29

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Tessa smiled to herself, watching how the sun rise hit Niall's face perfectly. Most normal people would watch the sun rise, Tessa however, was more interested in Niall's face. He slept soundly, it was only around six in the morning. Tessa snuggled up closer to his side, taking in the warmth along with his scent. She closed her eyes as her face laid against his chest. She never wanted to leave.

Then an annoying buzzing caused her to open her eyes. She didn't move, not wanting to miss Niall's touch, she blinked. After figuring it was Niall's phone she closed her eyes again, waiting for it to stop. It started buzzing again shortly after it stopped. Tessa groaned, reaching over Niall to his left pants pocket and pulling out his phone. She answered it, seeing it was Liam.

"What?" She sighed into the phone.

"Tessa?" Liam asks. Tessa rolls her eyes, annoyed that he interrupted her sleep and snuggling. She wasn't a morning person either.

"No. Some other girl that slept with Niall." Tessa visibly face palms, her brain wasn't working right this early. Now he thinks they actually slept together.

"Niall finally got some!" Tessa heard Louis scream in the background.

"No!" Tessa practically screams. "Not like that, you retard!" Tessa hears chuckling before Liam's stern voice comes back.

"We have an interview in less then thirty. Niall needs to be ready like right now." Liam says. Tessa sighs. "Sorry to steal him away from you."

"Funny." Tessa groans as she hears Louis chuckling. She hung up the phone, sitting up and looking to Niall. His eyes were slightly opened, watching her. Tessa smiles down at him. "Get up, you have an interview."

"Actually I have interviews all day." Niall says. Tessa frowns.

She leans down, connecting their lips and pulls away shorty after. Niall groans, placing his hand in the roots of her hair and pushing her head back down to him. Tessa smiled as Niall moves his lips against hers. Tessa opened her mouth, hoping he'd take the entrance but instead he takes her bottom lip between his teeth. Tessa moans, pushing Niall back flat onto the chair so she can run her tongue over his lip. He opens his mouth, not exactly getting it until Tessa's tongue meets his. He groans, tasting her minty breath and starts to battle her with his tongue. Tessa's hands trailed up his shirt, forgetting the world around her.

Niall's phone, which now lays on his lap, starts vibrating again. Niall groans loudly, liking the feeling of the vibration on his groin. Tessa smirks, pulling away. Her head falls to his chest, not wanting to move.

"You should answer that." Tessa whispers. "Liam's in a mood."

Niall chuckles as he grabs the phone, answering it.

After getting an ear full from Liam, Niall was forced to get ready for the first interview of the day. Tessa fallowed him back to their floor.

"I'll see you before we leave tonight." Niall says, adjusting the bag of blamketsover his shoulder, remembering that the bands flight leaves that night for their next destination.

Tessa frowns slightly, wishing he didn't have to go. "Okay." She says, hugging Niall. Her face is flat against his chest as he wraps his unused arm around her. "I don't want you to go." She whispers into his shirt. She didn't want him to hear her, and she didn't think he did. He did.

Niall closed his eyes, how can one fall so deep in love in only about a month? He didn't understand it. He loved her. "I love you, Tessa."

Tessa smiles. That was the first time those exact words left his mouth. Last time he said he was in love with her too. Now there's no 'too'. Tessa pulls away slightly, staring at Niall's face. She planted her lips on his for a brief moment before pulling away. Without a word, because she wasn't sure if she could find her voice, she slipped into her room. She smiled a genuine smile at Niall as she closed the door.

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