Chapter 8

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Niall stuffed his mouth with popcorn as his eyes stayed focused on the girl setting up the movie. He watched as she went through the DVD's, naming them to the boys. She stopped on one, not saying anything. She just stared at it, a faint smile on her lips. Niall stopped eating, just staring at her. She held up the case to the boys.

"I wanna watch this one." She said, waiting to see if they were okay with it. Niall smiled when he saw the name. The ring. An old horror film.

"Dude, she likes scary movies." Louis whispered to Niall. Niall nodded, in awe. Could a girl get anymore interesting?

"Put it in." Harry said, inpatient. Tessa quickly opened the case, putting the disk in her X-box to play it. Then she grabbed a controller and sat down on a bean bag chair between Louis and Zayn. Harry, Liam and Niall sat on the couch slightly behind them. Tessa pushed play and everyone became quiet.

Nialls eyes stayed on the girl in front of him. She wear purple pajama pants with a random tie dye teeshirt that was too big for her. Her bean bag chair and Zayns bean bag chair were close so her and Zayn shared a large blanket. Louis sat close to her too, with his own blanket and popcorn. The rest of the boys, behind them, had blankets and popcorn too.

Niall sat on the end of the couch behind Tessa and Zayn. He watched as she jumped when a scary scene came on. A smile formed on his face. Then he diverted his eyes to the screen.

Throughout the movie everyone kept jumping and some even screamed. Tessa would through her head back laughing every time one of the boys screamed. By the time the movie was almost over Tessa was almost barred in Zayns side as he put his arm around her.

Niall watched the two. He wondered if she was starting to have feelings for Zayn. It's only been a day and here she was, hiding behind him. That's not possible, it's just because of the movie, he told himself.

Zayn laughed loudly when Tessa jumped so high she knocked her popcorn all over the floor. The rest of the boys stared at the tv with wide eyes, waiting for the next thing to jump out.

By the time the movie was over they had all fallen asleep. Tessa slept with her head on Zayns shoulder as he slept with his head on the top of hers. Louis slept laying back on his bead bag chair, almost sliding off it. Liam Harry and Niall slept on each other on the couch. Liam held his head in his hand as his arm rested on the arm rest. It was a picture.

The next morning Simon knocked on the basement door. When no one answered he walked down. Once he saw the sight before him he stopped walking. He stared in shock. He ran his hand through his hair as he chuckled to himself. He could stare at the picture forever. In fact, he thought, that's what he was going to do.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He snapped a couple pictured, saving one as his back ground then put his phone back in his pocket. He came down to see what they were doing but now that he sees there still sleeping he retreated back up the stairs. He couldn't stop smiling.

"Hey mr. Smiley. What's with you?" Lauren asked, a smile taking over her face.

Simon didn't say anything. He just took out his phone, showing his girlfriend the picture. Her hand went to cover her mouth as her smile lit up her face.

"You saved it as your background." She said amused. He chuckled, slightly embarrassed.

Simon stared at the picture on his phone, she was changing. He could tell that hanging out with them, just for a day, was changing her. He smiled as his girlfriend pecked his cheek then walked out of the room.

"So Tessa, wanna hang out with us again today?" Louis asked the sleepy girl next to him. Tessa nodded, running her hand through her hair.

Tessa looked around at all the boys. They all looked like a wreck. She giggled to herself. Their hair was all messed up and their eyes only slightly opened. They just woke up. Seeing them in the morning was the strangest yet most adorable sight.

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