Chapter One - Steven

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Driving to school wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, the week leading up to the first day of school went by quickly as I unpacked the rest of the boxes in my room, it actually looked like a bedroom now instead of a storage space. The corridor of Bay Side High school had white and blue walls with a plain white floor, dark blue lockers lined the walls in between the doors of the classrooms and to be honest, I'd say it was filled will a lot of different kinds and types of deodorant and perfume. Since it was only a few days until school started I only got to choose three classes of my choice while the principal added in English, Math and Phys Ed, as they are compulsory subjects at school. I got to choose Science, Music and Spanish, which is pretty good because at my old school I took Spanish and I caught on quickly.

Since I didn't have my class schedule, I had to go to the administrations office, which is a small room near the main entrance of the school building, with white walls and in big bold letters ADMINISTRATIONS OFFICE printed on the glass door.

I reached the administrations office about five minutes later and walked up to the lady with dark brown hair with bits of grey, behind the small counter. "Excuse me, I'm here for my schedule," my voice came out rougher than usual and I don't know why, maybe it's just my nerves on being the new kid.

"Name?" The lady behind the counter turned her focus onto me as I stood there with my bag slung over my shoulder "What is your name?" She asked again with a hint of irritation in her voice.

"Oh, um, Steven Mills," Again I don't know what's wrong with me, the lady started tapping away on the keyboard as she stared at the computer screen.

"Ah, here it is," she said, no sign of irritation left. She printed out my schedule and handed it to me in a matter of minutes. I scanned my timetable for a few minutes and then said "thank you" as I walked out into the hall. My first lesson was English with Mr Gambria in room A22, which I think is at the other end of the school.

Instead of getting lost, I decided to ask a girl for directions, she just happened to be walking by at the time so I thought I might as well try to know people, I actually saw her when I drove into the school this morning. "Excuse me, do you know where English with Mr Gambria is?" I asked as I moved closer.

"Oh, um, yeah, I'm heading there now, you can walk with me if you'd like." When she spoke, my gaze drifted down her frame but I quickly shifted my gaze so she wouldn't notice. "If you show me your timetable I can point you to your next class," She smiled as I handed her my timetable. Once she was done looking at it, she handed it back and started down the hall. "Oh, my name is Mika by the way, and your name is...?"

"Steven. My name is Steven, I just moved here from Arizona." I didn't look at Mika as we walked, I just looked straight ahead at the students all around me.

"That's cool, I've lived here all my life but I've always wanted to travel. Anyway, here we are. You can sit anywhere you want but if you want a good seat then you'd better sit at the back, after class I can show you around if you'd like," We walked into the classroom to find some students already seated, Mika sat next to a girl with long golden blonde hair by the window. The girl was wearing a light blue top and black skinny jeans, which was surprising because it wasn't cold outside. Once Mika sat down, they were instantly having a conversation but when I walked past, the girl sitting next to Mika smiled up at me when I sat down two rows behind them, at the very back of the classroom. As the bell rang loudly through the room, everybody started filling the empty seats, a boy with short brown hair sat in front of me, he was wearing what looked to be a faded blue t-shirt and blue denim jeans. The boy in front turned around "Hey, you must be new, I'm Lincoln," He sat there facing me for a couple of seconds.

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