Chapter 15

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Mr. Sungjae POV

I yawn as I open the door to the teachers room and close it behind me.I sat on my seat and started to do my thing.

Suddenly, I remember that the principle said that there won't be any assembly this morning since there's barely any teacher at school today.I stood up to make an announcement.

On my way,I met up with the BTS.Shin-Hyuk called out to me.

"Good morning sir! How are you today?"I laugh at him."What's up Shin-Hyuk? Do you have a favour for me to do?"He laugh at me and so did the other members.

"Sheesh Sir.I'm being nice here."I laugh at him."Its a joke Shin-Hyuk.Good morning to you too.You guys are going to class?"He laugh at me."This early? Hell nah.We're going to cafeteria for some breakfast."I nodded at them.

"After you finish,don't bother to go to the hall.There's no assembly today.There's barely any teacher today."They nodded and walk away while saying goodbye to me.

"They are such a good kid..."

Hoseok POV

"I kind of regret coming to school today..."I said placing my head on the cafeteria table while chewing some sandwich in my mouth.

"Well...We can always skip."Seokjin take a bite of his donut."Should we today?"Jungkook ask slurping his banana milk.

"Jungkook,when will you move on from banana milk?"Shin-Hyuk Hyung ask Jungkook who is glaring dagger at him."Never hyung.Not happening."Yoongi hyung sigh at their idiotic conversation and continue writing in his book."It's 7:20 in the morning and I already have to listen to your ridiculous argument."He sigh.

I laugh."Cheer up hyung! It's morning! You should be full of energy in the morning !"He scoffed at me."Oh shut it.I hate waking up early and I have to because if I don't,You will come in my room and annoyed me."I laugh again and take a bite out from my sandwich.

"We should talk about EXO not Jungkook banana milk addiction or Yoongi's sleeping schedule being interrupted by Hoseok."Namjoon said.We sigh and turn to him to hear what he has to say."It seems like they won't give up easily.The girls that was bullying Jennie and Jisoo yesterday? They were hired by EXO."Yoongi hyung turn to Shin Hyuk hyung and ask "Speaking of those two,How are they?"

"They're okay...Just a little bit shaken up.They just need some time off."Yoongi hyung nodded and gesture for Namjoon to continue what he was saying."As I was saying,they won't stop at anything at this point..."His voice trailed off.We were silently thinking on what to do before Shin Hyuk Hyung suggested something.

"...I don't know if you agree with this..."We turn to him.

"Let's assigned a bodyguard for each of them."

I am actually writinng this using my computer so... ;)

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