Chapter 12

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Jisoo POV

"Hey Jisoo.What's up with them?"I turn to look at BTS.Namjoon and Shin-Hyuk-Hyung are yawning and looks like they didn't sleep for days.Most of them look as energetic as ever.They also have a lots of cuts and bruise on their face.

"I have no idea.Shin-Hyuk Hyung come home at 12 yesterday and went straight to sleep.I didn't ask anything."The girls just nodded and continue walking.

"They probably just got into a fight with some other group or something.I think we got more important things to do than to worry about them.Look."Jennie pointed toward the left.

We look at them and notice EXO looking away from us.I sigh and decided to ignore them for now.

"Ugh.I'm so frustrated by them.I feel traumatized enough to see them beat someone up and now we're maybe in danger because of them."Chaeyong said while playing with her hair."

"We'll be okay...Probably."I said trying to reassure them.They look at me and nodded.

Hoseok POV

"Oh man.Your blanket is quiet warm huh Yoongs-Hyung?"I ask him while winking my eyes.He scoffed."Don't you dare gave that gay attitude to me.

All of us laugh and continue chatting.We are walking to detention right now because while we were in the hall during assembly,we throw some papers toward the EXO and the teacher decided to punish us.

"Man I really hope EXO is not in detention.I don't want to deal with shits right now."Yoongi-Hyung said while crossing his arm behind his head.

"I'm gonna teach them a lesson next time.I'm too tired today."Namjoon said while yawning tiredly.I turn to him and laugh."What the hell is wrong with you? You seems like you didn't sleep for weeks."I asked.

"Me and Shin-Hyuk-Hyung got challange by a group yesterday.At night too...."He explain and yawn again."Maybe I'll sleep in detention."Shin-Hyuk Hyung yawn.

"Me too."Namjoon said.

I laugh at both of them.Everything is fine today...

Somethings weird...

Thanks for reading! Sorry again for not updating!

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