Chapter 1

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"Don't you have other things to do?"

Shin Nayoung, or in short ,Nana, turns around to look at her co-worker, Jihyo, standing at the end of the counter giving her usual blank judging face. Both eyebrows raised as one hand rest on the wooden counter.

"Watching him again?", she lets out a small chuckle.

Park Jihyo is a tall and lean lady, not so skinny, having little fat just at the right places. She calls herself curvy for having slightly bigger chest compared to normal girls but, she is proud of her body. Or she calls it, body positivity.

Being a business graduate, it took Jihyo a while to realize that she really loves reading and also writing thus she ended here working in a bookstore. Born as the only child of a very good and understanding family, both her parents had not objections when she confessed she wanted to pursue her passion in writing.

Yes, Jihyo is a writer and her pen name is not even close to her real name. And she said she has her own reason for choosing a different name for her publications on which Nana did not want to argue further.

Jihyo has been working here for more than a year, and to be really honest, Nana is so relieved she met Jihyo. Both of them love books so much that they had been dreaming on working in a bookstore since there were kids. They share the same interest—being around books. Plus Jihyo is such a hard-working girl, dedicated to her work and entirely dependable. If not, Nana would not even survive working there.

The little bookstore is located at the suburb of the busy city of Seoul, somehow hidden from the buzzing crowd

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The little bookstore is located at the suburb of the busy city of Seoul, somehow hidden from the buzzing crowd. It's at the small street of little shops, hidden behind those skyscrapers away from the hustle bustle of the city people. It's a good place for a bookstore which is also a small library. Yes, people can also read books there, and also borrow them. It's an old classic store, founded by a couple about 30 years ago, their son took over and renovated the entire shop. Despite the renovation, he maintained the aesthetic touch of the shop just to retain the 70s feel to it as a remembrance to how the store was first designed by his late parents.

A hidden gem, as what the people from the neighborhood calls it.

"I was just looking", Nana rolled her eyes, hopping off from the tall stool behind the counter. "Your crush is there too"

"JK is there!?", Jihyo quickly runs towards the glass door of the bookstore, peeking through the small pane to look at the coffee shop across the street.

"JK is there!?", Jihyo quickly runs towards the glass door of the bookstore, peeking through the small pane to look at the coffee shop across the street

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"Yes, your darling man-crush, JK"

"Why does he always have to look good in that white shirt?", Jihyo lets out a sigh, eyes still looking at the man behind the counter at the shop across theirs. "It's no use for me to be stalking him every day like this. He looks too good and my eyes are blessed"

"And here you are asking me if I have better things to do"

"Don't you ever want to ask his name? That guy goes to the coffee shop like...everyday? According to our records, based on our stalking of course. This guy will always be at the cafe around 7.30 in the morning, without fail"

Nana glances over her shoulder, trying to look at the guy again. The same tall guy she sees every day in the morning. This tall guy has been going to the coffee shop for about a month ago. He would be seen walking into the coffee shop sharp at 7.30 a.m. every morning, without fail. He would probably spend about 10-15 minutes talking to that JK guy, and then leave with his coffee in his hand by 7. 50 a.m.

Or on certain occasions, later than 7.50 a.m.

It has been routine for her to watch him from the place she is sitting every morning to do her work. She began spotting him that one particular morning when she was opening the bookstore alone. He was walking from the opposite direction of hers, dressed in that black jeans, black shirt and also a black jacket with a black cap—yes, all black. It could be that his dressing that day caught her attention, making her remember his features very well till today.

"I think JK and him could be good friends. They look comfortable with each other, don't they?"

"I don't know", Nana shrugs her shoulder as she finally straightens her back, tearing her gaze away from the guy she has been watching.

"Speaking of that, do you think that alien guy would come over again tonight?". Jihyo asks as she tighten the black apron around her waist, getting ready to her morning routine at the bookstore.

"Alien?", Nana turns to look at Jihyo confusedly. "What alien guy?"

"Remember that customer, he would come here every Friday night in that very weird beanie, a face mask and earphones tucked in both ears. He would come in, browsed through that classical section and sits at that corner to read till the shop closes"

"Oh, you mean Mr Beanie? Why are you calling him the alien guy? And, I don't know. He didn't come here last week. Let's see if he comes tomorrow"

Nana walks straight to classic books section, arranging book just to kill time since there are not many customers yet early in the morning. She loves the classic section very much that she could spend hours here, browsing random books reading their synopsis. Randomly choosing a book, flipping through the pages when a paper suddenly fell out from the pages, landing on the wooden floor.


Quickly putting the book back, she reaches for the small brown paper sized not bigger than her palm. She thought it was a bookmark that comes with the book but then she realized it is not when there's some hand-written words on the paper.

"Maybe, one day, I will ask you out"

Now...what is this?



New book is here! I was so so SOOOO anxious while editing this a while ago. So scared about the new book and the new plot. I hope i started this book right >.<.

But I hope it is looking good! Tell me what do you think! I am still in the midst of plotting the entire story sksksksks and ( also I promise not to make it as long as 60 days???).

Enjoy the new book my loves! Thank you for all the support!

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