Time passes by when we stop talking. Steph, I realised, is not similar to me but we share some hobbies. She likes watching movies, like I do, but she isn't into reading at all. She works as an business executive at Williams and Payne's and Josh and her had a love marriage.

Soon, we eat dinner without anyone else and I head back to my room. I head in for a shower and pick up a simple at shirt and cotton shorts. By the time I freshen up, it's already past 10. I check my phone and I can't help but feel disappointed that there are no messages by Liam. He didn't even reply to my previous message so I decide on calling him. I dial his number but he doesn't respond. Where is he?

I should just stop getting so worried. He must be busy and plus, I don't want to disturb him. I am not sleepy at all so I switch the T.V on. After an hour or so of watching mindless shows, I check the time. 11.30.

I walk over to the balcony and peep out. Stars are shining bright in the sky and it is so quiet, so serene that I feel like sitting here all night. I walk up to my closet and pick my copy of Pride and Prejudice. Taking it, I walk back to the balcony and sit on the swing attached to the balcony. I engage myself in reading the book. Reading it again and again seems just like the first time.

I look back at the wall clock. 12.45.

I can't control so I call Liam again for the second time. This time, it reaches his voice mail.

"Hey, umm, call me soon." I say awkwardly into his voice mail. I walk into the room and close the balcony door. I take the picture from the study table I earlier placed it on and keep it on the bedside table.

I look back at the clock hopelessly. 1.00.

I think I should just stop getting paranoid and go to bed. I have to pick something to wear for tomorrow. Liam should have called at least once just to let me know he will be late. What if he is drunk somewhere? No, he said he is going to work and I doubt he drinks when his father is around. I remember the nights we spent together back at the island and I literally crave for them. Even though we bickered, said absurd things, we were together and that was enough. Now I feel horribly empty and the worry is increasing inside me.

Just to pass time, I call Kate. She picks up on the third ring.

"Hello?" Her voice sounds sleepy. Obviously, you dumbass, it's past one.

"Kate! I'm sorry. It's just that... Hello? Hello?" The line goes dead before I can say anything. Let's just say Kate loves sleep more than she loves me.

At least Liam should have informed me! Like a stubborn kid, I try him for the last time. When he doesn't answer, again, I lay on the bed, furious this time. Who the hell does he think he is? I pull over the duvets and try to sleep.

He must be drunk in some bar.

My subconscious throws in but I ignore her, as usual.

Or maybe he is with some girl.

I sit up straight and place my fingers on my eyes. I need to stop over thinking.

My eyelids get heavy but my worry overcomes my sleep. I look out of the window and even at the door. It's 2.30.

Soon, my eyelids get too heavy and my eyes close.

The sound of the door opening wakes me up. I jerk up and look around. Liam walks in slowly and without even noticing me walks towards his wardrobe.

What the hell?

"Hey! You're home." I say slowly. I rub the sleep away from my eyes. I look at the clock. 3.00.

The Script (Liam Payne)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora