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Hana waved at him with both hands when he picked up the call. He shyly said, "yo," to her, seeing how bubbly and cheerful she is seeing him despite it just being through the phone.

"Haseo~" Hana cutely whined and it caused Seojun to get flushed.

"Yeah?" He said, trying to calm himself.

"You see," she said, suddenly became serious. Her sudden change formed a lump in Seojun's throat and he's having a hard time swallowing it. "I was on my way to meet my parents. They parked a block after our school."

Seojun became serious and remembered the reason why she called, to tell him how she ended up meeting Suho's dad.

"I was waiting for the green light to cross the road with others and I didn't know Suho was right beside me," Seojun listened intently, "then a car came revealing a man who looked like Suho."

Seojun nodded for her to keep going.

"I was looking at him and when he spoke Suho's name, that's when I knew he was there. Then I didn't know I missed the light I was too caught up in staring the two of them!"

Hana vanished from the screen as she threw herself on the bed and sighed.

"Then Suho knew I was there the whole time and after they talked, he introduced me to him and long story short, Mr. Lee knew my parents and there, boom, we got dinner together!"

Although Hana was talking away from the screen, Seojun couldn't help but chuckle. He knew Suho's dad always had it his way so he wasn't surprised Hana's parents agreed to have dinner with them. But what he's thinking is, how did they know each other?

"Han," he spoke, "how did Suho's dad know your parents?"

Hana jerked up and sat straight, showing herself on the screen again, "I never told you?"

Seojun's brows drew closer together.

"My mom takes up advertisements here and there," she proudly tells.

"Really now," Seojun thought, "that's why you were born camera ready."

"Hey, I didn't know my mom was doing that until I trained, okay?"

"What about your dad?"

"Just a normal guy who was trying his luck into business," Hana said, "They met through a common friend. That's how maybe dad met Suho's dad, through mom."

Seojun shrugged and sigh, "so you guys were that close, huh."

"Hey," Hana snapped her fingers, "don't be like that!"

"Oh right," Seojun remember another question he's curious about, "how's those two doing?"

"Those two?"

"Suho and his father."

"Oh," Hana grinned, "I think they're both doing great!"

The two went on for hours of talking, they would randomly think of something and tell it to the other causing the two of them to keep their conversation going.

When it was late at night, the two agreed to hang up and just meet up the next day. Like what they agreed months ago, they would go on an official date after the CSAT.

The next morning, Hana woke up with a headache for sleeping late just after the hectic day. She groaned as she rolls to the other side, covering her head with another pillow. But not a few seconds passed by, she jolted up remembering she has to meet up with Seojun.

She reached for her phone and saw a message from him.

"Hey, good morning. I forgot Jugyeong asked me to take her shopping today. Sorry. But we can go together and ditch her after her shopping."

Hana laughed lightly at his message, "No, go ahead. We can meet up after shopping. I guess I needed more rest."

"You're not sulking, are you?"

"No, silly! Haha. I just woke up with a headache."

"Do you need anything? I can come as soon as Jugyeong's done."

"No need. We'll still meet at the usual place. Just tell me when you're done."

"Okay. You deserve some rest! See you later. Drink painkillers."

Hana smiled at his message and before getting out of bed, she did a light stretch to take care of her tensed muscles.

"You going out?" Haneul asked Hana who was on her way towards the counter to eat the breakfast Haneul had prepared.

"Later in the afternoon," she responded with a yawn.

"Meeting Seojun?" She wiggled her brows, teasing her younger sister.

"Who's Seojun?" Their father asked who just came from the market with their mom.

"Remember the guy she trained with, they're schoolmates now."

"Must be destiny," their mother teased.

"Oh, please!" Hana said before stuffing her mouth with food.

"I remember that boy, he seems nice and really like you," their dad was thinking hard, back when he would come and pick up Hana after a long night training for the concert as he was putting the groceries away, helping his wife.

"You met Seojun, dad?" Haneul asked.

"No," he said, "I just saw him sometimes. He was a good kid. Saw him help an old lady one time."

"I didn't know Seojun was capable of that," Hana snort.

"You're so mean to your boyfriend," Haneul said.

"I told you many times already, he isn't my boyfriend!" Hana yelled, hiding her flushed face.


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