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Hana was leaning on the railings, looking at the people walking on down.

"Did you cook all this?" Seojun said, staring at the lunch boxes Hana set out.

"Oh," she blushed as she faced Seojun, "I did."

"Why did you make so much?" he asked, watching her take a seat next to him.

Hana forced a smile as she gets nervous to what she's about to say, "I--"

Seojun propped his elbow on his knee and placed his cheek on his fist, watching her.

"It's my way of confessing," she looked at her feet.

Seojun sat straight, not breaking his gaze on Hana. Surprised at what she just said.

"You're what?"

Hana pulled her knees closer to her, touching her shoes, repeating what she just said, "confessing."

"You mean--" he blinked a few times, gulping down the big lump stuck on his throat, "you mean you like me?"

She sighed, looking up, still avoiding to look at him in the eye, "yes."

Seojun's hand trembled as he reached to touch her shoulder, he hesitated for a second but did anyway just to have her look at him.

"Huh?" she said when she felt his hand.

"How-- I--," he sighed, "I still don't understand. You like me, like me? Or you like me as a friend?"

"Silly," she giggled, "I like you like you, jerk!" she poked his forehead.

Seojun's mouth gaped as he takes in what the girl beside him just said. But not for long, his lips curved into a smile, to a grin as she frowns.

"Why?" he asked, still smiling.

"What do you mean, 'why?'. Are you not going to say something?"

"What should I say? I already told you before, I like you."

She blinked, remembering the time he wanted to meet with her.

"You mean it?"

His grin never fades but his face turned much softer than before, "Of course, I don't say that just because I want to make fun of you. I really like you like you, Hana."

"And I just said you're being silly," she looked down.

"Hey," he said, placing a finger on her chin, lifting her face up to look at him. But he was too close, her face turns red. "now that I know you like me that way," he paused.

He sighed, closing his eyes, taking his fingers away from her face as he slowly leaned on the wall.

"Now what?" she asked.

"I should probably apologize to Suho."

This time, it was Hana's turn to grin.

"Yeah," she said. Seojun then averted his gaze to Hana, "Suho's lucky you didn't punch him that hard."

"Come on, Hana," he said, feeling even more guilty than before.

"I was just kidding, Suho would understand for sure."

When the class was over, Hana and the others talked as they exited the classroom. But to their surprise, it wasn't just Seojun waiting by the door, Suho came with him.

"Did you two made up?" Eunji asked. The boys just nodded at her.

"So," Sua butts in, nudging Seojun as she eyes Hana, "are you two boyfriend and girlfriend now?"

Hana averted her gaze from the group, hiding her flustered face. Seojun, on the other hand, is scratching his nape as he bites his lower lip.

"So, I assume there's still no decision on that," Chaerin said.

"Chaerin, Sua, aren't we going to CoKa today? JUST.THE.THREE.OF.US?" Eunji said, hanging her arms around the two girls.

Taking her hints, they agreed and immediately took off leaving the two pair.

"Those traitors," Hana narrowed her eyes on their back.

Seojun laughed at her reaction, it felt like everything she does is funny and cute for him. Suho looked at his friend and thought he lost it good.

"Let's go to a cafe, everyone?" Jugyeong said sheepishly.

"No," Seojun said, "Hana and I have something to talk about."

Before Hana could ask him what's he talking about, he dragged her by the hand away from Jugyeong and Suho.

"Well, I guess that leaves to us." Jugyeong said, "if you like?"

"Let's walk you home."

Jugyeong frowned and groaned mentally as soon as Suho turned his back and started walking. For her, Suho is confusing. There are times he makes her like him more and there are times, she wants to kick Suho's ass.

"Isn't it cute that Seojun finally got her?" she asked.

"Mm," Suho hummed.

"Aren't you jealous?" she asked.

"No," he answered.

"Don't you like Hana?" she asked again.

"I like her," he said.

"Oh," she felt a pang on her chest. She regretted asking him that.

Suho faced her, she stopped walking and looked at him, "I don't like her that way."

Jugyeong's face lit up without her knowing, but Suho noticed it and he tried to keep his cool, trying to stop himself from grinning.

"She's like a sister to me," he said before turning his back again and started walking.

As he took a step, he smiled as a blush crept on his face.

Jugyeong was smiling from ear to ear after hearing what he said. But if he genuinely liked Hana, she knew she'd take a step back and push Hana towards Suho if only Seojun hadn't confessed.

But knowing Suho doesn't like her that way, although it felt wrong, she was overjoyed.

"We're actually going to the comic store," he said.

But Jugyeong was being dreamy, not hearing what Suho said.

"Hey," he turned again to face her.

"Huh, what?" she asked.

"I said, we're killing some time at the comic store."

Jugyeong's eyes gleamed and hopped beside Suho to walk beside him.

"You're such a kid," he grinned.

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