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It was the first day of High School; the sun was out; the wind is nice. The atmosphere is lovely despite the students groaning and complaining as they move and get ready for school.

Jung Hana, the freshman, moved to a further High School because of her cousin, Song Eunji. Eunji moved to Canada with her parents when she was 6, she could only visit Korea during vacations and that's how she and Hana have gotten close. They would often talk through video calls when they grew older and when they talked about going to school together, Eunji's parents agreed as Eunji is not being accustomed to the Korean lifestyle.

Hana brushed her long straight hair and put a jeweled clip at the side of her hair to complete the look. She grabbed her newly patched, beige denim bag before heading to the kitchen to grab some apples. 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away.' She thought. This is what her mom would always tell her and her sister.

She took a bite before going to the front door to put her shoes on and head out.

Hana is now living alone. Her sister, Haneul, is now in college and begged their parents to move out to a much closer apartment so she won't have to wake up hours earlier just to get to her University. And the thought of their daughter going home late in the evening, exhausted from school, they allowed her.

Worried, they talked to Hana about moving out and attending school near her sister's University so she won't have to be alone, but since she has enrolled herself and she's used to living in the area, she assured them she'd be fine without her sister. As Hana, for her parents know, is more responsible than of her older sister.

"Hana-ya," a female voice called to her.

Hana roamed her eyes to look for the person. She has arrived at the station and she saw Eunji leaning at one post, waving at her.

"Oh, you're early," she said, taking the apple from her bag to offer her cousin which was gladly accepted.

Hana leads the way. It will be Eunji's first trip to school with a train.

"What's with the patches?" Eunji noticed.

"I glued them on yesterday, I thought it looked cute."

Eunji studied the stars and hearts that were glued on her cousin's bag. She sighed.

"Why?" Hana asked her cousin, not bothering to take a glance behind her.

"Well," she said, "don't you think your bag is inappropriate for rain?"

"But the school just started, it can't rain." She defended herself.

"You do realize you have to buy another one when the rainy season comes?"

"Come on, its not like it will come anytime soon," Hana said. "So, are you excited for your first Korean school?"

"More like nervous. But still glad we're classmates."

Hana giggled. She's glad she doesn't have to tiptoe on her first day. She has someone with her.

The two arrived in front of the school gates.

"Woah," the very first word that came out from Eunji's lips.

Hana chuckled, "come on," and dragged Eunji towards the High School building to look for their classroom.

As they found their designated room, Eunji opened the door and held Hana's hand as they walk into the new chapter of their life.

Hana tried looking for a seat where the two of them aren't far from each other and she found a seat by the window.

"Let's go sit over there," she whispered to Eunji who, she didn't know, is fascinated by someone else.

Hana pulled the chair and sat at the back, leaving the seat in front of her for her cousin. But Eunji never came after her. She looked back where they entered and saw Eunji standing, staring at something. She's completely in awe.

"Hey," Hana said as she stood up to get her cousin.

"Huh?" The only words Eunji could utter.

"Have your seat or else you'll be taking somewhere far from me."

Hana heard a chair moved and to her luck, the seat she wanted Eunji to have is now taken. 'Great, if only I have her bag to put it on the desk.'

"I guess I'll be taking another one," Eunji shrugged.

"I thought you were nervous being this your first Korean lifestyle experience?"

"I should overcome it, right?" She said, showing her teeth, smiling at her cousin before making her way to the person she was just mesmerized.

Eunji walked giddily towards the seat beside the girl and propped her head on the palms of her hands.

'Oh boy! Pretty girl radar alert.' Hana thought.

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