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Hana was putting on her white sneakers when her phone rang. Her sister was calling her.

"Oh, Haneul," Hana said when she picked it up.

"We're almost there, are you done getting ready?" Haneul asked.

"Yeah, I'm getting out of the apartment now."

Hana took off and when she arrived at the building's lobby, Suho just got there, on his way to school.

"Hana?" he called her.

Hana turned to face Suho and smiled as she greeted him a good morning.

"What are you doing, aren't you coming?" Suho asked.

"Oh, I'll be on my way after I dropped off my parents to the airport," she said.

"Okay. I'll go ahead."

"Bye, Suho!" Hana waved at him as he walked away.

After a few minutes, she saw a familiar gray SUV and parked in front of the building, honking.

Hana scurried her way towards the car and the window on the passenger's seat rolled down revealing her mother, smiling at her.

"Mommy!" she said.

"Get on now," Hana nodded and get on the backseat where her sister's already at.

"Hey, look at you!" Haneul said as soon as they drove off.

"What do you mean?"

"You look a little more lively than before," she smiled. Happy seeing her little sister is doing great.

"Thanks, Neul."

The family seemed to be happy seeing each other once again, being complete after almost a year. They talked and laughed the whole trip. It was Haneul's car they used instead of their family car so Haneul could drive Hana back to her apartment.

As the Jung family arrived at the airport, they can see their mother is fighting back her tears causing Hana to tease her a little.

"Oh, mom, we'll see each other before my CSAT!" she giggled.

"But we'll be too far for long," their mother sobbed.

Mr. Jung chuckled at his wife's reaction. Although he himself is sad about not being there as soon as they need them, he trusted his kids that they'll be alright and that they raised them well.

"Come on now, dear," Mr. Jung said as he tapped his wife's shoulder and gently squeezed it to comfort her. "We might miss our flight."

Mrs. Jung sighed and gave her two daughters one last hug before walking towards the terminal.

"Bye mom, dad!" the sisters said, waving towards their parents.

When the older ones are no longer in sight, Haneul turned towards Hana and placed a hand on top of her head, "say, let's eat first before you head back to school?"

Hana grinned, "well, I did say I'll be coming in the afternoon classes only."

"Come on," Haneul held her sister's hand and dragged her as they exited the airport.

The two sisters arrived at the ramen shop where they would usually go with their parents when going out. It has been a while, it's been years since they've done this. Ever since Hana started High School and Hana started getting busy at College, and with their parents going back in forth from Korea to Canada, they haven't gotten the time to go out like they used to and have their mom cook for them at Hana's apartment as they talk about what's happening in their lives.

They have always been close with their parents growing up, so having their parents take care of some business as partners, and to have it for over two months, got their parents really worried to not have them close. But Haneul assured their parents she'd come to visit and monitor Hana whenever she can while they're away.

"So, Han," her sister started after they placed their order, "how's your studying going?"

Hana sighed and frowned, "Can't we talk about something else?"

Haneul giggled, she knew she should talk about something else but she wanted to know how it's going to see if there's something she can do to lighten up her studying and make it fun. Like how they study back then when they're living together.

"Just answer and we'll talk about something else after," she smiled.

"Okay," Hana cleared her throat and sat straight before propping both arms on the table, clasping her hands together and cocked her head to the left, "it was going well. But I also kinda go out here and there?" she smiled sheepishly.

Haneul nodded at her response and put on a serious face, Hana gulped.

"There's nothing wrong with you going out between studies, I know you're responsible enough to know your priorities."

After Haneul said those words, their order arrived.

"I missed this," Hana uttered.

Haneul wore a mischievous grin on her face as she took her phone. Hana arched her brows, questioning of her sister's intention. Haneul then started taking pictures of their food. After doing so, she showed it to Hana and said, "I'll send this to mom and dad."

"You're one evil daughter," Hana said, grinning as she shook her head gently.

"This will be fun," Haneul hit send and hid her phone inside her purse.

The two started eating as they talk about random stuff, reminiscing and exchanging advises for each other. Telling encouraging words for Hana's upcoming CSAT and Haneul's last year of college next school year.

"Is that really your final decision?" Haneul asked her little sister.

"Yep, Theatre Arts it is!"

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