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After Hana's session, the doctor prescribed her with other drugs to take as her old ones don't seem to work on her like before. She sighed as she put the prescription back to her purse and exited the building, but to her surprise; she saw Suho, waiting for her.

"Hana, let's talk."

Hana got confused but before she could say anything, Suho grabbed her wrist and drag her with him.


Hana forced herself to loose her wrist from his grasp, causing Suho to shift and face her, peering down on her.


"You could ask nicely, you know?" Hana looked at him seriously.

He sighed, "sorry, come on."

This time, Hana followed behind him. He took her to a nearby pastry shop.

'Wow, I've been craving some sweet pastries right now.'

Hana's eyes gleamed as she roamed her eyes around the chain, it's her first time in this pastry shop so she just followed Suho around.

"What do you want to eat, I'll pick it up for you," Suho said after he got Hana to have a seat.

"Oh, something sweeeeet please!" Hana's face flushed cheerfully.

"You like sweets, huh?"

Suho's mind drifted to Jugyeong. He recalled how she loves eating sweets when there's a chance.

He picked up Tteok and Jjin-ppang for Hana while he just ordered coffee for himself and bottled water for her.

He spotted a bingsu pasted on the wall and thought of taking one too.

When he got back to their table, Hana asked what he got.

"Tteok and Jjin-ppang," he answered.

"Which is mine?"

"These are yours."

"What about you?"

"I'm full, I'll just have coffee."

"That's not healthy, you know?"

"Are you my mom?"


"Here's your order," the server said and sets their beverages down along with the strawberry bingsu he got.

"Oh," Hana said, eyeing the bingsu, "strawberry bingsu."

"Eat the pastries first before you eat bingsu," Suho's brows drew closer and took a sip from his iced coffee.

"You're like a mom, Suho," she commented as she eats, "what do you want to talk about?"

Suho stopped for a moment, "uh," he hesitated, "about Seojun."

Hana put back down the Jjin-ppang she took and looked at Suho, eye to eye.

"I don't think I like where this is going," she said.

"Did he caused you all this?" Suho asked.

"You know about me and Seojun?"

Suho shook his head, "it was a guess."


"I asked to confirm, and now, I can really confirm it."

Hana sighed, "what do you want?"

"Did something happened to the two of you before you got diagnosed?"

"How did---you're asking to confirm again?"

Suho nodded.

"There's a reason why you're a top student, huh?" Suho just stared at her, "I don't want to talk about it in public."

"Sounds fair, let's move back to my place." Suho paused at how inappropriate it sounds, "If that's okay?"

"We live in the same building. My cousin would barge into my apartment whenever she wishes, I guess that's reasonable."

"Very well then. We'll leave after you finish the bingsu."

"What?!" Hana looked at the untouched bingsu, "I can't finish all this. You're the one who ordered it!"

"But you said you like sweets."

"No, help me with this. Stop being a jerk."

Suho laughed at Hana's reaction.

She tilted her head a little to the left, "You're laughing?"

"Can't I? I was just trying to lighten the mood." Suho's face softens, "after what I did, it's my responsibility to at least put a smile on your face."

'Sua's right, Suho isn't that bad.'

UNNOTICED: True Beauty FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz