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After months of studying and studying only, the day the seniors have been waiting for and was trying to get over with has finally arrived.

Some of them tried sleeping early to condition their brain for the exam, the others slept late trying to force themselves to study and review one last time before the real thing. Some had a hard time sleeping and focusing as they were filled with anxiety. Although they thought they did well on the exam, they couldn't help but get worried and not get the university they wanted.

The morning on the exam, Hana woke up early and got ready. Her parents arrived two days before the exam to support Hana on her studies and she was thankful for having them and give her kind words to do well in CSAT.

After getting off the shower and drying her hair, she went straight to the kitchen to boil some water to drink hot tea to calm her nerves. She looked at the time and thought she got some time. She entered her room, leaving the kettle to boil in the kitchen, and put on a turtle neck long sleeves before putting on her uniform to keep her warm.

When she heard the kettle boiled, she grabbed a brush and scurries her way to the kitchen to turn it off. She poured the hot water on the mug filled with herbs she prepared beforehand. While letting the tea sit for a few minutes, she proceeded to brush her hair while walking towards the terrace to see the view to feel calm.

A door creaked open and revealed her dad, "Good morning," he greeted her before walking towards her to kiss her forehead. The thing he does whenever they're home together, giving the girls forehead kisses in the morning. For him, they're still his little girls.

"Hi, Dad," she smiled. "Do you want tea?" she asked and walked beside her dad to the kitchen.

Mr. Jung shakes his hand saying, "no," to her and smiled, "don't fuss and just focus on yourself right now."

Hana nodded and took her cup of tea, sipping a little. She then made a toast for her and the others for breakfast. Her favorite to have in the mornings are toast with cheese and bacon on top which her parents had grown to like because of her constantly making it in the morning since she was young.

"I see you still like that," her father chuckled and grab a slice from the plate Hana sets down on the counter where they eat breakfast.

"Forever my favorite," she grinned and took a bite of her food.

Hana and her dad were talking about random stuff when her mom came out from their room and is wrapping a robe around her, over her pyjamas. Mrs. Jung was walking towards them when the doorbell rang. The three of them looked at each other before Mr. Jung stood up to look at the monitor to see who is at the door but he saw no one.

He walked towards the door and peek at the hole and saw a long hair but couldn't see the face. He opened the door and Haneul brought her arms up in the air revealing shopping bags on her hands. Her smile was flashed brightly on her face and with a pitched voice, greeted them, "Haneul's here!"

Hana ran towards the hall when she heard her sister's voice and gave her a hug, "Haneul!"

"My sister missed me?" she giggled, "you just saw me last week when I visited you to supervise your study."

"Come on in, we might wake the others."

The two stepped inside the apartment and closed the door behind them. Haneul went straight to the living room and settled the shopping bags on the center table.

Their mother got curious about all the bags Haneul brought with her and asked as she ate her breakfast, "What's all that?"

Haneul giggled before answering, "I got Han some coats she can wear. Some are mine but I bought two just for her. Depending on which she would like to wear."

"You bought me coats?"

Haneul switched her position and turned her head to look at them, "I did," she grinned.

Hana finished her tea and leaned further on the counter, beaming her innocent eyes towards her sister to see who's in the living room, "Can I see?" 

After Hana dressed up with her sister's help, she chose one of the coats Haneul bought for her. It was a long black coat with gold detail on the belt.

Hana refused her dad to drive for her as she knows, he'd cry to send her off while making a speech of how proud he is to her. Like the day Haneul took her CSAT exam.

Hana exited the apartment building and saw Suho standing outside. When he spotted her, he waved at her with a smile.

"You haven't left?" she asked when she's near him.

Suho started walking and had Hana walked beside him.

"I waited for you, thought we could go together. I don't wanna be too early," he said.

"That's true," she sighed, "how are you feeling?"

"I feel fine although I'm still not quite sure."

"You will do fine, you're the top student after all," she teased.

"Please, we wouldn't know."

The two joked and teased each other on their way to the school to lessen the anxiousness they feel. And as the exam was being held, the students were all quiet, focused, and determined to ace the test and get accepted at the university of their choice.

UNNOTICED: True Beauty FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora