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Ever since Hana joined Nabi's team, she noticed how hard Nabi and Yuri made it for her and how the other members don't talk to her.

Chaeyoung would initiate small talk where nobody is in sight, but when the others come, she would sit very far from her. From then on, Hana learned to conceal everything and let all her frustrations and anger out through practice. She's been known as the trainee who gives her all.

And just 2 days before the monthly evaluation, Hana was called to one of the director's office.

"Good morning," Hana greeted with a polite bow.

"Good morning, dear," the middle-aged director said. Beside him is his assistant, Miss Kim as what she wanted to be addressed.

Hana took a seat and waited why she's called.

"Jung Hana," the director said, "how would you like to debut as a model before going on stage?"

"Would I be focusing more on that instead?" She asked.

"You will undergo not just in the idol/artist training program but you will have to attend a celebrity/actor training program as well."

"But I won't be doing it always, right?"

"Yes," he replied.

"Miss Hana," the assistant said, placing a folder near her, "a brand asked for some trainees to look at and with your charm and charisma, we recommended you and mailed them your profile."

Hana listened attentively.

"They chose you."

'Chose me?'

"It will be only a 15-second ad as this will be your first. You will get paid, continue your training as an idol but on your extra time, you'll attend other classes that would train you how to model."

"If it will help me slowly build a path to being an idol, I'll agree. So, what's the ad about?"

"For an amusement park for winter ad."

The 15-second advertisement Hana filmed went viral a week after its release. Photos and rumors about her flooded online.

Some headlines are about her but ST Ent wouldn't confirm nor deny as she's not set to debut as an actress, she's set to debut as an idol.

Because some people who recognized her and would ask if she was the one who did the ad, the entertainment has given her a manager to take care of her daily activities, receiving and scanning through offers, and also making sure despite being busy, her health and sleep are still good.

Hana getting recognized alone and with her current team hidden inside the building with no sign of debut, got her teammates to envy her.

Nabi would lash out on Hana during practice, yelling, cursing, and wanting her out of the team. And eventually, the others joined.

Only a week left and the directors would have their final decision if Hana were to debut in a group or as a soloist.

As Hana was busy with all the practice and adjusting to the celebrity lessons, she also would have, yet rarely, to work for one full day on commercials.

"Hana," her manager said.

They're on their way to a salon to fix her hair and makeup for a tv appearance.

She isn't one of the people cast to be the main guests of the show but she's called for showcasing the entertainment and for catching the industry's PD's attention slowly and have them familiarize with her.


"After the show, the bosses asked to meet you back at the office."

"I'm fine with that."

"Okay. Good luck with the show."

The show went smoothly. She was able to catch the PD and the hosts' attention and asked her with questions. She was asked if she was the amusement park girl and when she admitted it was her, they went crazy and bombarded her with questions.

She gets to talk now and then and one very famous actress that was on the show particularly took interest in her and spoke with her after the shoot.

It was crazy for Hana, the attention for being a rookie at the celebrity world differs from she imagined how it would go. But thought it was a great experience for her and her future group.

The girls are focused on practicing their lines before they enter the booth. They're recording songs for their debut song.

"Krystal, to the booth please," their producer instruct.

Krystal went inside the booth and put the headphones on.

"Can you try to do the ad lib at Ahri's second part?"


Affection has been busy recording and picking songs that they thought would go smoothly with the concept that was shown to them two days before.

"Okay, that's it for now. Same time tomorrow." The producer said and focused on the songs that were recorded that day even before they could leave the studio.

It was nighttime when they exited the building and the car was ready, waiting for them to take them to their dorms.

Krystal took her phone from her pocket as soon as she was seated inside the car and searched for 'Jung Hana'

She's watching the variety show Hana filmed a week ago. Krystal is happy to see her friend made progress. She too will soon experience what Hana is experiencing today. Although she may be proud of her friend, she's saddened by the fact that they could've experienced it all together but the world says otherwise.

She clicked Hana's name on her contact lists and sent her a message, 'Proud of you! ❤'

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