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The movie date the cousins had agreed on having the day before got canceled as the rain started to pour. Hana decided to just wait for another day when it doesn't rain for them to watch, although normally Eunji wouldn't want to wait that long, she agreed with Hana as it doesn't seem like it would stop any time soon.

Hana took off her clothes and changed into comfortable ones when she received a call from an unknown number.

She would normally not take the call but somehow, her body moved and picked it up.

"Jung Hana?"

She thought hard, trying to recognize the voice.

"It's me, Han Seojun."


"Yes, it's me,"

Hana wanted to hang up and block his number, she doesn't know what to do with him, what to say at the moment, how to deal with the situation.

"I should've texted you to let you know but I thought you wouldn't respond so I tried calling,"

"It's fine,"

Her voice is soft.

"Can we meet right now? I'll wait for you."

Before she could speak up, Seojun ended the call and texted her the place where they would meet.

The coffee shop they usually go to after training. The coffee shop where Seyeon would wait for them.

Hana sighed as she drop her hand when the call ended. She flopped on her bed, trying to think about whether going or not. She doesn't know how to face him, still. But she thought if Suho could forgive him and hear him out, why can't she? For the sake of herself and Seojun's, she knew they should meet any time soon but now that it happened, she's getting anxious.

Hana decided to dial Suho's number. She needed to speak to him before meeting Seojun. She sat up and called him but shortly after, she was connected to voice mail. She called him again but he wouldn't pick up.

Hana heaved a sigh and sent Suho a text.

"Please pick up." 

When it was sent, she tried calling him again but the result is still the same.

Hana placed her phone on her bed, next to her. She stood up and exited her room, she felt her throat dry, she needed water.

Walking towards the kitchen, she noticed the rain hasn't stopped.

'Did he go to the cafe with this rain?'

She put her glass on top of the counter and walked closer to the balcony to see how strong is the rain is pouring. Thinking Seojun could've gone by now, her anxiety keeps getting worse as she felt bad.

Hana keeps pacing back and forth, biting her lower lip.

She groaned and walked back to her room, grabbing a hoodie and an umbrella.

"How can he be so foolish running in the rain just to talk?" she ranted loudly as she walks towards the coffee shop.

"Can't he just wait for it to stop?"

As she is drawing near the place, she noticed a familiar figure standing outside the shop, leaning against the wall.

She sighed as her steps are getting heavier, approaching the person. Her grasp on the umbrella tightens when Seojun looked at her direction.

"Haseo," she whispered. 

The rain slowed down as it is beginning to stop.

Meanwhile, Suho is waiting for Jugyeong to come out of the bathroom. He couldn't believe himself, if only they're not watching the movie she picked, he would've kept his cool.

'Damn, I hope I didn't scare her,' he thought.

"Sorry, it took so long,"

Suho turned to face Jugyeon who just came back when he noticed something changed.

"Did you fix your makeup?"

"Ah, yeah. It smudged."

'She doesn't need makeup,' he thought to himself.

"But you look fine without makeup..." he scratched his nape, "Isn't too much makeup bad for your skin?"

'Oh shoot, maybe I shouldn't have said that.'

"Looks like the rain has stopped, wanna go grab something to eat outside?"

"Uh, okay."

Suho kept avoiding Jugyeong's gaze out of embarrassment. He sometimes doesn't know how to act around her so he tried so hard to be careful. But at the same time, he worries she wouldn't find him attractive as he noticed she's been comfortable around Seojun too.

Seojun tried pulling a chair for Hana but she pulled her own chair out and sat down. Embarrassed, Seojun cleared his throat and acted cool as he sat across her.

Before he could say anything to her, Hana spoke.

"What would you like to have?" she asked.

"Huh?" he stared at her, "I should go order for us."

She shook her head and stood up, "remember the last time we came here?"

Seojun just looked at her face, not saying anything.

"I promised I'll pay for the next time, right?"

Still, no words came out from his mouth.

"Would you like the usual?"

Seojun unwittingly nodded.

'Wait, she remembered my order from before?' he was surprised.

He didn't take his eyes off Hana as she lined up and waited for her turn to order. He noticed how she has gotten a lot taller than she used to be. But then, he figured her style changed from before. From being a fashion icon back when they're training, he noticed Hana keeps dressing in comfortable clothes and rarely dress up.

At school, she'd only see Hana socialize with her friends but still, she's more of the listener than the talker. Far from the Jung Hana he knew.


He snapped from his own thoughts when Hana called him. She's already sitting across him, looking serious but her look on her eyes gave her away, she's anxious.


"You're spacing, problem?" she said.

'When did she become so chic?' he asked himself.

"You still like sweets, right? I got your usual triple chocolate frappuccino," she slides his drink to him.

"Wow, you did remember," Seojun said and took a sip of his drink.

"So, Hana," he said, looking at her, wanting to see her reaction, "about why I want to talk."

Hana looked at his eyes, waiting for his next words.

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