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Hana kept walking at her normal pace, with a book on her hand and earphones plugged in both ears.


She has decided on stopping by a convenience store near her apartment building and take a minute before going home.


Hana flinched when she felt a tap on her shoulder, "What?" She said after taking off the earphone from her right ear.

She turned around to see it was only Chaerin and Eunji.

"Oh, hey you guys," she said.

"I was calling you for like a hundredth time and you weren't even listening!" Said Eunji, rolling her eyes.

"Actually," Chaerin said, "what she was meaning to say was, would you like to come shop with us?"

"Shop what?"

"There's a selected items sale at a beauty store right now so we're going to check it out," Eunji explained, "you're into cosmetics right?"

"I am," Hana admitted.

"Okay, let's go!" Chaerin clung unto Hana's arm making her feel uncomfortable but doesn't have the heart to say so.

"Let's drop by a cafe after we shop!" Chaerin suggested which Eunji seconded. And her, who doesn't have a choice but to tag along.

Hana was walking behind them on the way to the store and she didn't mind. She's enjoying her music and she doesn't know much about Chaerin to initiate a talk with her. So she let Eunji take the conversation. Eunji's more of a talker than a listener so there's never a dull moment when she's involved.

"Come on, Hana!" Eunji dragged her inside. It was full of people, she was never a fan of something like this. She would prefer not coming to stores on sale and pay the original price if it means to avoid people.

After an hour... Or two, of grabbing products and avoiding people as much as she can, Hana managed to get out of the jungle safely. But the two she came with are still inside, fighting for their lives.

Hana wandered her eyes around, looking for a shop to visit while waiting for her friends. She found an accessory shop just two shops away from where they went, filled with beautiful earrings. She's always been so soft when it comes to cute stuff and what's laid in front of her is all her weakness. Soft pink, jeweled hair clips, and simple, yet beautiful, elegant, earrings. She pouted, contemplating whether to let go of her money or to wait and think. But right now, she couldn't think straight. Her kryptonite is in front of her and after a long battle with herself and herself, she bought two earrings and a set of hair clips.

Hana exited the store with a sigh but is delighted with her purchase when she got a call from Eunji and they agreed to meet at a café nearby.

"So, what did you guys buy?" Chaerin asked as soon as they're seated after they paid for their orders.

"Me first!" Eunji said excitedly.

She took out her shopping bags and showed them her purchases one by one.

"The new Beany-fit foundation everyone talked about, I've always wanted to try this one out. And finally, I have it!

"Next item, the Mony Tolly lip and cheek tint, and eyeliner. This is my favorite.

"I also have this Irrnesfree liquid lips, I heard so many good things about them."

Eunji peeked through her bag, "and the others are just products I accidentally bought. Thinking of giving them away as a gift or giving them a try."

"An item could end up being your holy grail, Eunji," Chaerin winked.

Their names have been called by the barista and Hana volunteered to get the drinks so they could continue.

"Now, these are mine," Chaerin continued. "I've always wanted to try this Krio cushion, I wonder if this works.
"These Beach C. lipsticks are new to my eyes so I picked them up. The packaging looks cute too."

Hana got to their table and its full of cosmetic products so she set the tray at the table next to them.

"Also, lastly, I have this Beany-fit mascara. I can't get enough of them, I bought three more." Chaerin finished.

"What took you so long? I thought you bought the entire store?" Eunji asked seeing how little her friend bought.

"I don't just want to get out yet. I might need to buy something else."

Hana sighed at the two, 'they're both hopeless.'

The three hang out for hours before deciding to go home. All Hana could think is how her visit to the convenience store got ruined. She sighed mentally.

"It's getting late, let's head home," Chaerin suggested.

Hana and Eunji said goodbye to Chaerin before heading to the bus stop.

"Chaerin is fun, isn't she?" Eunji asked.

Hana hummed a response, "she is."

"But you did the talking, I was just silent the whole time," she added.

"It won't be you if you're the one who did the talking." Eunji nudged her cousin and smiled.

Eunji has always been understanding with Hana's nature. She is silent and wants to be alone most of the time, but when she sees someone in need of help, she would not hesitate to offer what she can do. And that is why Eunji prefers Hana more.

They sat down the waiting area when they arrived, there are a few people waiting for their bus and there's only one seat available, Hana offered Eunji the seat.

"Say," Eunji said, not taking her eyes off her phone. "I know you have something to do today," she confessed.

"But I don't want you to feel that I've neglected you for new friends so I got Chaerin team up with me."

Hana rested her palm on Eunji's head, causing her cousin to smile. Her actions are more sincere than words. 'I know you too well, Hana.'

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