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As Hana and Seojun got off the bus, she took the liberty to ask him the same exact question she's been asking him since they left school, "What are we going to talk about?"

And Seojun, would retort the same exact answer he's been giving her, "you'll know when we got there."

Leading to Hana asking where they're going and Seojun to nor answering her questions.

Hana gave up and quietly followed Seojun. She was beginning to think of other things, distracting herself from the boredom and the silence when he stopped causing for her to bump into his back.

"Ah!" She said.

Seojun glanced at the back and sighed, "could you pay attention to your surroundings?"

"Can't help it, you're too quiet," she said.

He shook his head lightly and took her wrist, dragging her towards the stairs, "Come on!"

"Wait no," she fought, trying to yank her wrist from him but he was just strong, "too many stairs."

"It's worth it, promise!" he grinned, still dragging her.

"What is this place?" She asked, desperately trying to say the words clearly between her breaths.

On the final step, Seojun slightly pulled her to keep away from the stairs. She took two steps away from it before bending, placing both palms on top of her knees, trying to catch some air.

Seojun on the other hand, felt the air slapping his face as he looked at the city over the railings.

"Seojun," she whined but when she saw the view, her eyes widened and jog beside Seojun.

"So?" He said, asking how worth it it is.

"I love it! Soon, the sun will set and it would look so pretty."

As she was admiring the view, Seojun was just watching her. He wanted to remember her face. The glow in her eyes, the grin on her face, the excitement she feels over a city view.

He knew she was simple and naive but she was also kind and courageous. Sure, Hana changed as she grew up and so did he. But he knew there's still the old Hana and the old Seojun inside them. But this time, he wanted to be by her side as she makes further changes on herself.

The two of them sat down at one of the benches, Hana still couldn't take her eyes off the view. But she remembered what Seojun said before they took off and decided to face him to ask, "So, what did you want to tell me?"

Not expecting the question, thinking she's lost and distracted by the city, he avoided her gaze.

"Haseo?" She said, wanting him to know she doesn't have all day and he's been avoiding her question.

"Fine!" He said, sighing before facing her. He was hesitant at first but he knew he brought it to himself so he has to answer her question and take the consequence later. "This could be too early for this or maybe a bit young but--"

Hana's eyes gleamed in anticipation, nodding her head.

"--would it be alright to ask you on a date?"

"Date?" She repeated.

Seojun jerked, "I know the CSAT is coming but I just wanted to ask you beforehand," he sheepishly scratched his nape as he let out an awkward laugh.

"After," Hana said with all seriousness.

He peeked at her.

"After the CSAT," she answered, smiling at her.

"Yeah, after the CSAT."

A thorn from his chest was taken out, he doesn't feel burdened anymore. All he could think of is when the CSAT is over, where would he take her. But at the moment, he chose to set it aside as they watched the sun setting and the yellowish, orange, hue horizon turned into blue to purple, introducing the night as the bright crescent moon appeared.

At the same time, Suho went inside the convenience store near the comic shop as Jugyeong sets a paper bag full of comic books they just got before sloppily sitting down on the chair. She then proceeded to take out the comics to place them on the table neatly. When she was finished, Suho came back with food and beverages at hand.

"So, we're not studying?" She asked, sheepishly. Knowing the obvious answer based on where they came from and based on the amount of comic books laying in front of her.

Suho didn't answer her and took one book.

"We should relax for now," she smiled at his response but immediately turned it upside down through the next words he said, "we'll start studying tomorrow with the group."

She narrowed her eyes as she acted angry, taking the a comic up to her face.

As the two were reading with an immensely level of excitement and concentration over the new series, Suho decided to take a break. He carefully placed his reading material as he opened his coffee.

Jugyeong heard the rustle he made but proceeded to ignore it as she's beginning to dive into the good part of the story.

"Jugyeong," he spoke.

She was ticked as she was disturbed at knowing what's next but pulled her book away from her face anyway and placed it down, "hmm?" She hummed.

"After this, what do you want to do?"

"Go home, why?"

Suho mentally scolded his self asking Jugyeong stupid, random questions just to get her talk to him. With the current time, he knew they should be heading back home soon but with her, he just wanted the time to slow down just to have more moments with her.

"Nothing," he curved his lips slightly, earning a sheepish look from Jugyeong. That smile, his smile, always gets to her. Making her assume things that never existed. Or so she thought?

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