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The next day, as what Suho had promised, he went with Hana at the clinic. His appointment is a week after hers and when he knew about what happened to her why she's having a psychological check-up, he volunteered to accompany her until her session ends.

"When did this start again?" Suho asked as he drank the hot chocolate they bought at the machine inside the clinic after her meeting with the doctor.

"Oh, I was having anxiety since I began training but it was nothing serious, I handled it well," she answered, "but I started having bad dreams each night after Seyeon's death, and it got worse after Seojun..." she added.

"Oh," he said, "sorry for asking."

"Suho," Hana stopped walking.

He hummed a response.

"What if Jugyeong took it the wrong way?"

Suho's ears twitched and turned to face her, "Jugyeong?"

"You like her, don't you?"

"Uh," words couldn't escape from his mouth. There are a lot of things he wanted to tell her but he can't, it's like he's turned on mute. A blush crept on his face.

Hana moved a bit and stood on her toes, trying to peek a little closer on Suho's face, "See, you're blushing!" she said happily.

"You sure do li--"

"Hana, Suho!" a male's voice said cutting Hana's sentence.

"Seojun!" Hana greeted him cheerfully, trying to walk towards him but Suho grabbed her.

"Hana..." he said lowly, hinting the irritation in their friend's voice. 'This is not the time to get jealous, dummy.'

She stopped and faced the guy she's with, "huh?" she said to him, clueless.

"Are you two seeing each other?" Seojun bluntly asked but instead of observing their body language, he glared at Suho.

Knowing how Seojun is, Suho sighed and tapped Hana's shoulder lightly.

"What?" she said.

Suho then gently pushed her towards Seojun causing her to stumble to his arm.

"Hey, Suho!" Seojun yelled, "what was that for?"

"Why not catch her for real this time, Han Seojun?"

Hana looked at Suho with a wide eye, trying to send him signals to keep his mouth shut with her facial expressions. She doesn't know if her answer the last time they're together gave her away but she doesn't want him to be the one telling him about how she feels.

"What are you talking about?" Seojun asked. Not that he doesn't understand what he meant or he's acting clueless, he wanted to know what he said is true and that he has no interest in pursuing her.

"You know very well what I'm talking about Seojun," he smiled.

"Ah!" Hana said and turned to face Seojun, "maybe because of what happened from the past?" she said trying to shake away the tension she's feeling.

Seojun let it slide and looked down at the female, "why are you two together?"

She opened her mouth, didn't know what to tell. She doesn't want him to know she's seeing a psychiatrist because of what happened before.

"We're trying to test ourselves," Suho said, walking towards them.

"Test?" Seojun's brow lifted when he cocked his head to the left.

Suho placed his arm around Hana, "if we'd make a better pair."

Hana's eyes widen.

"Jung Hana," a voice behind them said authoritatively.

"Eunji," Hana whispered.

Hana was on her bed, thinking hard about the happenings while they're out. It happened so fast she doesn't know what to do. But Suho assured her it's not going to be a problem and he'll talk to Jugyeong himself if  ever the news gets to her. She hoped it would go back to the way it was before and that Seojun wouldn't think differently of her.

"What is this, Hana?" Eunji looks so mad she doesn't know what to say.

"You guys are seeing each other?" she asked another, "so about last night,"

Hana's mouth hangs open, not wanting to Eunji to mention the events of last night.

"So when we found the two of you alone at her place, you were actually hanging out? And he didn't just drop by?!"

Seojun grabbed Suho's shirt, glaring at him.

"No, Seojun," Hana tried taking Suho away from him but it was too late when she realized that what she's doing made them looked like they've been hiding something from them.

"When did this started?" Eunji asked.

Hana was just staring at her cousin, not knowing what to say.

"What about her, Hana?!"

"No, Eunji, you got it all wrong!"

"So you not coming with us is because of him?!"


"This is so unlike you, Hana." Eunji started turning around, "all because of Suho."

When she left, Hana was just staring at her cousin's back getting smaller and smaller. 

"Hana," Suho said.

She turned and faced the two guys she was with.

"Tell me if this guy hurt you, I won't hesitate to give him something to keep in mind," Seojun walked away after he said that.

She sighed, 'this is all just a big misunderstanding. It's you the one I like, Seojun.'

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