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The day of workers allowed to come to work later than usual to have the seniors taking the exams to come on time. The day noises aren't allowed to avoid distracting the students. The day where police and volunteers are full alerts in case there are people who break the rules on the very day. The day where cabs and motorcyclist offers free rides to exam takers. The day of full silence in Korea. The day of CSAT.

The silence seemed to stretch throughout each school as the seniors avoid making sounds, not even the slightest sigh.

The long day of staring into the white sheets of papers, reading the questions needed to be answered by each student carefully. The long day of anxiously marking the answers to each question, hoping they were correct. The long day of being determined whether they get to enter their chosen universities has finally come to an end and the students are now finally able to breathe and celebrate as they finished the exam.

As soon as they stepped outside the building, they cheered and rush towards the gates looking for their family, friends, and lovers. They were all greeted with hugs, ruffles, and teasing by the people who waited on them and prayed for them. Everyone had a huge grin on their faces. It has come to an end at long last.

To them, completing the exam is not a bad idea to celebrate with. Others have their parents pick them up and ate to a good restaurant, the others have decided to hang out with their friends and eat good food, others decided to go home and take a good nap to rest after months of preparing for the exam. The time has finally ended and they're all relieved.

Sua and Chaerin met right at the post of the gates like what they planned. They hugged each other as soon as they met up and cried, happy for the hell day to be over.

"We deserve something sweet today!" Chaerin cheered.

"Yes, yes," Sua slouched as she nodded.

The two were talking about what they wanted to go for but then remembered their friends.

"Where did Jugyeong and the others went?" Chaerin asked Sua as she was looking over the huge crowd to find some familiar figures.

"Oh, she messaged our group chat. She's having dinner with her sister. It seems Hana is going out with her family too," Sua said while scrolling through her phone.

"What about the guys?"

"Well, in Seojun's case, he probably went with Hana. Suho, I don't know," she shrugged.

"Should we invite Suho then?" Chaerin suggested.

Sua raised her arms up to level her face and formed a cross while shaking her head roughly. Her friend, Chaerin, raised her brow on her as she blinks.

"Why not?"

"Okay, suppose we're to invite him, what are we going to talk about?"

Chaerin's mouth gaped as she thinks, later came up with a decision that Sua's right and even if they've hung out a couple of times, they have never gotten Suho to talk a lot.

"You're right," Chaerin agreed, "he only hangs out with us cause of Jugyeong."

On the other side of the school, Hana was walking in tiptoe as she tries to search for Seojun. And after a few minutes, she spotted him standing in the middle of students giggling and hugging their friends.

Hana grinned widely when she saw him, she raised her arms and wave to get his attention, "Haseo!"

Seojun turned and saw Hana walking towards him in a bright smile, "Hey," he said when she's near him. "How'd it go?"

"I think I did well," she smiled, feeling confident of the outcome of the exam.

"I know you'll do," he said, messing up her hair.

Hana didn't move and let Seojun mess with her hair and waited for him to stop as she pretends to get annoyed and put a frown.

"You're so cute," he chuckled. "When you're done, are we meeting up after or tomorrow?"

Hana sighed, "can't you come with us?"

He chuckled deeply while looking into her eyes making her heart skip a beat, "Heegyeong asked me to accompany her. It's also best to celebrate with your parents now that they're home."

"You're right," she sighed before standing straight, "I'll see you later?"

"See you later, Han."

After having a small conversation with Seojun, Hana walked towards the area her sister texted where they have parked to pick her up. On the way, she walked pass by a lady selling scraped corns mixed in melted butter and cheese with a little bit of salt. She bought one and munched on it while making her way to her parents'.

As she was waiting for the light to turn green to cross to the other side, she noticed a crowd of students murmuring and whispering behind her. She stopped eating and focused on what they're talking about.

"He's so handsome."

"How is he that good?"

"Look at that face."

Everyone seemed to take a liking on the man's facial features but she has no idea who they were referring to. She decided to let it go and wait in peace while eating her corn when a car stopped near them and revealed a very familiar handsome man with a bouquet of flowers.

'He looks like Suho,'  Hana thought as her brows drew closer, squinting her eyes. 

"Suho," the man said her friend's name walking towards her.

In a second she thought she said it out loud but when she looked closely at his face, he was looking straight to the person who could probably be beside her. She turned her face to her left and saw a surprised Suho.

After a few exchanges of words, Suho then turned to face Hana who remained, not knowing the people had already left when the green light went on.

"Oh Dad, by the way, this is my friend, Jung Hana," he casually introduced Hana to his father.

Flustered, Hana panicked and bowed lowly, "nice to meet you, sir."

Suho's Dad chuckled, Hana noted they laugh the same way, and waved his hand gently, "please raise your head. No need to do that," Mr. Lee said.

"Oh," Hana raised her head, "I'm sorry," she smiled sheepishly.

"You look familiar," he said, causing Suho to look at him curiously.

"Jung Hana you say," he said, staring at her face, trying to remember where could he possibly meet her.

"Are you somehow related to Kang Eun Bi?"

"You know my mom?"

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