Chapter 43

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I quickly set my mimosa down on a small table by the door and invite myself inside. The adolescent girl inside of me spins on her heels admiring the beauty of the room. All of my life I dreamed of owning my own library inside of my house. Never one this big, but in all honesty if this was a possibility, I'd take it and then some.

"This is incredible," I tell Harry, walking towards the shelves on the right hand side of the room. My fingers dance on their spines and my mind processes their correct order. Clearly it isn't rainbow or alphabetical so there has to be an intended meaning...

"Thank you," Harry says, setting his own mimosas down and walking towards me.
"The previous owners began building this room as a workroom of sorts, but they never finished it. Walls were missing and the flooring was just concrete. When I purchased it, all I could see was remodeling it with shelves and aligning them with hundreds of novels. Needless to say, I do not regret the decision."

"It's amazing," I unintentionally state, while still analyzing. I've never seen such a collection. Aside from at libraries of course.

I skim over Bronte and Smith. My fingers stop at Hemmingway and I can't quite tie the pieces together. One is poetry, one is a love story. The last other is a murder. Beside them is a.. graphic novel?

"There no in any specific order," Harry speaks from behind me as if he could read my mind.

"Oh," I instantly reply, dropping my finger and step back, turning to look at him. "Why not?"

My mind never ceases the opportunity to ask questions apparently.

I'm a person of order and for the book part, books have always been kept in order to a certain extent in my opinion.

"I've never had a reason to," he tells me.

I turn back to the books and stare at them once again. My head turns right and left. I spin on my toes and look behind me. We are literally surrounded, yet they are all random. My OCD panics, but then again it's not mine therefore I use that as a release.

"How do you find anything?" I ask, reaching up and fidgetting with necklace around my neck.

"What do you mean?" He asks, leaning back against a large oak table that rests behind us in the center of the room.

"When you're looking for a book, how do you find anything?"

My eyes finally drift back to him and he stares with amusement. His green eyes dance with something that I cannot put my fingertip on. Clearly I've missed the memo.

"Why would I need to find anything?"

I hesitate because I don't know how to reply.

"Why wouldn't you?"

He licks his lips and pulls one corner into his mouth with his teeth and then releases it.

"I've never come looking for a book in here if that's what you're asking Katherine."

Maybe I'm just stupid, but I don't get it.

"But why not?" I banter.

"Why would I? I'm never here," he shrugs.

I raise my eyebrow.

"You don't have a favorite?"

His smooth smile takes over his face once again.

"I have many favorites."

Now this is just absurd. "Okay, then therefore you have to know where they are."

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