Chapter 19

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Once the elevator doors close and I start the overdramatic descend down 14 floors, quietness surrounds me. I feel as if I am in a padded room where noise is not a given but a privilege. My heartbeat thumps inside of my ears and my breath is louder than I've ever heard it before. Have you ever been in a car during the midst of a rainstorm and drove under a bridge? The world comes to a complete standstill for the slightest moment. The seconds slow down and you question if it's insane to stay under there for the rest of your life because of the tranquility. The entire commotion is as calming as it is nerve racking. In this moment, I feel as if Harry is a bridge in my rainstorm.

The floors tick down until coming to a stop upon my destination.




With each consecutive ding, I am a contestant on a reality game show known as my life. My fate is yet to come and I don't know what's awaiting me on the other side. I'm also not sure why I feel as if something about me is about to change, but I almost feel ecstatic.

The silver doors suddenly slide open, engulfing me in loud chaotic noise. Chatter is everywhere. Clinging of bellhops and chirping of cellphones. I am back in my storm.

I take three steps to exit the elevator. My eyes instantly meet two mesmerizing green orbs right in front of me, leaning against the wall. He wears slick black skinny jeans and a simple white collared t-shirt. His ankle boots are almost identical to mine and I can't help but express a small giggle. His lips curl into a subtle smile and his face lights up. His long hair dangles on the side of his cheeks from the strays that are not tucked behind his ears.

"Katherine," Harry says, stepping forward and reaching his hand out. I feel it once again.


Everything literally goes quiet.

"Harold," I greet him back. His fingers lace into mine, pulling me to his chest. My arms find their place around his neck without any hesitation.

"How are you?" He says into my hair. His nose tickles my cartilage piercing in my ear, sending arrays down my entire body. My chin shifts and angles itself into his neck. He smells of cologne. Something I recognize, but I can't quiet put my finger on it.

"I'm great, how are you?" I reply, sounding a little too eager. He keeps me in his embrace until I slightly make an effort to pull back. I don't want him to think I'm milking out his hug, but Jesus, I've waited so long, hoping, wishing, wondering what it'd be like to hug him. This hug is so private, so.. intimate. It is nothing like the short, distraught hug I was blessed with yesterday.

"I'm lovely, darling," he smiles, fully letting go of me. "I've heard nothing but good things about this breakfast bar, so shall we?"

I look at him a second too long because the redness on my cheeks are evident. I quickly look down and nod abruptly. "Absolutely!"

Harry begins walking in front of me but keeps his body so close that I could touch him without trying. His tall frame is towering over my short stocky features. I am fascinated with the way the light reflects off of his hair, making some spots appear blonde in his dark essence. His skin is so tan and luminous. He wears such a handsome expression on his face that I cannot get enough of. When his eyes side glance to mine, I quickly retreat.

"Katherine, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you smell heavenly," he observes, letting his teeth consume most of the smirk that overcomes him. He takes a sole step so that he's in front of me completely, but reaches for my hand as he declines down the three steps of stairs into the dining area. He pauses as I walk down them, but releases his hand as soon as I'm safely on the ground floor.

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