Chapter 15

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Have you ever witnessed a moment so surreal that it warms your heart, yet scares the living hell out of you all at once because reality sets in? As Harry makes a b-line in front of us, I instantly know there's no way I've been talking to him via technology. It's not possible. My heart fills with sadness because someone like him would never associate with someone like me. I've had to be wrong this entire time. It has had to be someone in management or marketing. It makes sense though. For his image, promoting a nobody to fame gives him quite a lot of credibility. 

My feet unintentionally take a couple steps back. Oliver stands in front of me now completely amazed that he is seeing Mr. Styles in person. I had no idea he would be intrigued. I cannot see him being a fan, however he never ceases to amaze me. Note to self: ask Oliver if he's ever stanned Harry Styles. I can't even imagine what my face looks like right now. 

"You should go talk to him," Oliver says, turning back to look at me. His eyes flicker back to Harry as he stops and stands at the main door. He begins talking to an older man dressed in casual wear that kind of reminds me of how I envision Harry would dress in his 70's.  Everyone starts screaming again as a tall blonde exits the restaurant and approaches them. Her long tan legs walk effortlessly through the small space that was separating them. Her long, blonde hair is in a large ponytail that sways in sync with her hips. She leans in to kiss Harry's cheek once she's close enough, then grabs his hand. 

This is her. This is the girl the tabloids are blowing up about. I recognize her from my google searches. 

"Yeah right," I say to Oliver. Meeting Harry Styles in a public setting is one thing, but meeting him next to the girl he is fucking is another. 

I rationalize my sudden introvert nature as I assume I'm just jealous. Who wouldn't be? This girl is a model in which millions of people fantasize about. I have stretch marks on my body bigger than her. 

The girl, whom I believe is named Pia, leans in and whispers something in Harry's ear. He laughs, and then looks down at their linked hands, smiling. I take this as my cue to reach forward and take Olivers hand. I don't want to witness anymore of this. 

"Come on, let's just go." 

He hesitates, but soon turns and starts walking alongside of me. I feel his fingers grip my hand tighter then earlier. I don't know if it's for sympathy or if it's something else. There's no reason for sympathy here. If anything, this is amazing. We just witnessed what it's like for a celebrity to be on the streets. You normally don't presume them as normal and or human, specifically because they run your media. They're all on your TV's, your Instas, even stories on your Snapchat. In a weird universe, it's as if these people are figments of our imaginations, therefore witnessing this just proved to me that stardom is real and it's quite exciting. 

"Harry look! It's Katherine Harris!" 

My eyes bulge as I hear my name. I look to Oliver and he looks to me. I turn my head back as tons of people start swarming in our direction. Within a matter of 10 seconds, my eyes land on Harry's and I watch something such as pure horror appear upon his face. 

"Fight or flight?" Oliver asks me abruptly. 

"Huh?" I automatically bark. My eyes instantly detached from Harry's and straight to the fear in Oliver's. Tons of questions begin getting thrown in my direction before he is able to answer. Lights from cameras start flashing, and I feel people reaching out, touching me. 

"Katherine, how are you?" 

"Katherine, how do you know Harry?" 

"Katherine, how do you feel about becoming an over night sensation?" 

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