Chapter 31

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My body lunges forward and I run.

And I keep running.

I can't stop.

I don't stop. 

I keep going even as Anthony calls out for me, chases after me, and gets ahold of me. I twist in ways I didn't know I can twist and barely escape the grasp of his large hands. I can't speak to him anymore. Words are invalid at this point. 

I push my way out of the confined hotel room, jump into the elevator just as it's closing with others already inside and run aimlessly down the street in search of air once I make it outside. I keep gasping, sucking in luminous clouds of H20 but it's not helping me. My body cannot breakdown the atoms fast enough. My mind will not comprehend a sense of direction or the fact that there are hundreds of cars speeding down the road in front of me. I have to get away from here, and quick. 

I turn and run down the ally that loops around the back of our hotel and into multiple shopping centers in the prime of district Atlanta. It stretches for miles, but I don't hesitate to keep going. People engulf me in their large groups and after I'm far enough away, I slow down enough to turn back just to make sure he isn't following me.

The city is growing darker by the second and when I finally make it to a small diner next to a music shop that looks secluded, I walk inside. The place is semi crowed, but not crowded enough. No one notices me as I slide into an empty booth in the corner and face the door. I sigh in frustration that I picked a restaurant when realize I have no money on me or the fact that I left without grabbing my phone off of Oliver's bed.

A bright red-headed older woman from across the room eyes me as I look up at her. My heartbeat hasn't slowed down in acceleration from the sudden cardio, but in her stare, I feel it quicken even more. It's intimidating.  Is she on to me? Is she going to kick me out? Does she know I'm trying just to escape my mind?

She strides across the room and I notice a tan apron tied at her hips with the logo of MAJESTIC  written in bright orange letters across it. Her face softens as she reaches my table and grabs ahold of my stare. 

"My names Deena, what can I get for you darlin?"

I try to process her words but my mind is slagging. As each word comes in, I can feel the wheels inside my brain turn as I try to unravel them. 

"Can I just get some water for now? I'm waiting on a friend," I lie. Water is free, but I'll feel bad in a little bit when I try to make it out of here without leaving her some kind of tip for her service. "Of course, baby doll. Would you like some rolls as well?" I look at her and open my mouth to object, but she continues, "They're our free appetizer." 

"Oh no," I say considering the large meal I just devoured not even an hour ago. Was that real? Because none of this seems real. 

"Okay, one water coming right up!" She replies cheerfully but watches me a moment longer than I'd like. 

I glance around me as I wait. Everyone is engrossed in their conversations or on their phones.  Each person has a person with them appears that is their person.  The person that in my mind I would've perceived as my person was Anthony up until 10 minutes ago. The area surrounding me hosts couples, some with children, some without. Some so engrossed in infatuation with each other that they've forgotten that they're in public. There's not another lone person in here.  Just me.

My fingers tap hastily on the table as my thoughts begin catching up with me. Who is this Anthony because the person who arrived in Atlanta is not MY Anthony. What has happened to him? Is this what he was keeping from me the day I left Texas for this tour? I knew there was something, but there was no way I would've ever imagined a situation like this as plausible. 

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