Chapter 10

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"There's a chance when we get to the airport, some paps are going to try to take pics. I want you to ignore them and stay as close to me as you can. If you can't find me, Oliver will be close behind. Do not speak to them. Smile if necessary," Andy tells me as we sit side by side in a sleek black SUV. Oliver rides quietly in the front passenger seat, but I can't help but notice the glances he keeps giving the driver every time he speeds or runs a light. Somethings unique about that boy and I like it. 

We've been in traffic for only 45 minutes, but it has felt like hours. Most of the time it has been silent as Andy speaks on the phone to multiple people, ignoring us completely and Oliver is cautiously watching his surroundings. I played on my phone for awhile, but soon got bored. There's not much to do in the car when you're a little uncomfortable being you don't really know anyone or know what's going on around you. If I look at social media, I know I'll start freaking out again so I don't know how else to entertain my time. I should've brought a book. 

I knew I forgot something! 

I'll have to tease Ant about this later because I normally never leave the house without some sort of literature in my purse. He always makes fun of me because I literally never pull it out, but the one time I would, I don't bring one. 

"Where are we going first?" I ask. It hasn't dawned on me to even ponder that question during all of this time. I know a majority of the big cities in Texas, Cali, New York and Florida were initially mentioned Saturday morning, but I don't know where we are starting or how this schedule is going to work. In fact it's insane how much I don't know about any of this. 

It's a little late to say, but I'm typically a person who has to be very organized and definitely has  to know everything down to the last detail. It's very out of character for me not to even know where I'll be or more importantly what I'll be doing tomorrow. I think it's time for me to step out of the cloud I've been dreaming in and face the reality of what's happening in my life. However, this appears to be a very sweet reality. 

"Tonight we are flying to Seattle for your first signing on Wednesday. That gives you all of tomorrow to prepare or sight see. Whatever you please. I'll print out an itinerary once we get to our hotel that shows all 27 stops so you can have one." 

I think my eyes pop out of my head. 


Oliver looks back at me in the rear view mirror with a smirk on his lips. I look back terrified as to what Andy just said.

"Yes, I know. It's small, but it's something. I was trying to push for at least 50. The agency wants to keep it as little as possible because you are expected to be the biggest hit this year and considering Christmas is just around the corner your sales are most likely going to skyrocket if we keep your appearances to a minimum."

As soon as he finishes his last words, his phone rings again and that indicates that's the last of this conversation. 

27 signings? That's huge! I mean, that's huge to me. That's huge isn't it? I wrote a poetry collection, not a #1 best thriller.

My breathing is picking up and I try my best to control it. Yep, it's just lovely having anxiety. 

I pick up my phone again to text Ant. 

"Freaking out, 27 signings?!"

I said I always wanted to do this, but now I'm not so sure. It has to be easy right? I just have to with my fans, sign their books, maybe take pictures? I can handle that. There's nothing too terrifying about that. 

"A book tour eh? Where's your first signing?"

Wait what? Ant already knew this. 

I click the text and it pops up with a number I've never seen before. 

"it's harry btw"


My twitter then notifies me of a DM. I swap over to the app. Once again, it's Harry. 

"I sent you a text. Not to be creepy. Twitter isn't much for me."

I promise you if you could see the way I'm looking at my phone, you'd be just as oblivious as I am about everything else happening around me. Even my anxiety took a double take. 

Harry Styles just texted me. 

Harry Styles the musical legend who will always woo my heart and has millions of fans worldwide, has my phone number and just texted me. 

Harry Styles whom actually has all of the fame in the world and could be texting anyone he pleases,  just texted a nobody like me. 

Harry Styles, the same man I flipped out about not even a week ago is making me flip out again all because of a eleven worded text message. 

Jesus, I need help.

My face breaks out in a full on smile. I can't hide the excitement inside. 

My nerves mellow and joy breaks digs its way out. 

So it wasn't his managers.

 It was him. 

He cares. 

Holy fuck.



Short but sweet.

Once these filler chapters are done with, you're in for a really treat. 

Ha, get it?


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