Chapter 5

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As we walk in, the place is lit up like a nightclub. People are dancing, people are drinking and neon lights are bounces from wall to wall. I like the sensation but suddenly feel out of place until my eyes start making contact with everyone I know. Quickly, I become the center of attention.

Everyone surrounds me and I hear many "congratulations" followed by "I always knew you'd be a writer" and "I'm so proud of you."


All of these are lies, but i'mma take it.

I find my parents shortly after and the night becomes more interesting than I thought it would. I catch up with lost friends and sign a couple autographs for some people I don't know. A few ask for pictures with me and I feel a sense of gratitude. My phone keeps lighting up with Instagram and Twitter notifications from what has to be people requesting to follow me after meeting me. Maybe this get together isn't so bad after all. I could use all of the support even if it is from fake friends. 

"Attention everyone," Anthony says, grabbing a mic that a large dude who appeared from nowhere hands him.

"As we gather here tonight to honor such an amazing talent, we should take a moment to congratulate her together. I'd like to make a toast."

My face instantly changes four shades of red. Ant holds up his glass of champagne and points in my direction. "This one is for you Kat. My amazing best friend. I wish you nothing but luck. I hope you don't forget this small town boy when your world is nothing but flashing lights and world book tours. Congratulations, my love."

My heart flutters from his word choice. Tears form in my eyes and I can't help as one falls down my face. Everyone clinks glasses and starts clapping.  Ant swallows a sip but continues speaking. "I'm not done yet!"

Laughter erupts throughout the large room and I chuckle. Of course, he has more to add. Ant has never been one for short and simple.

"If you all don't mind, please turn to your left as we have a special guest joining us via Skype. Erin, the room is all yours."

The projection screen begins lowering down the wall. Erin's lively face and eager expression quickly brightens the room. My heart grows 10 times warmer. 

"My beautiful Kat!" She screams. A smile the size of Texas appears on my mouth without second thought. "You look stunning," she adds.

Quickly me self-esteem drops at the comment when I know for a fact that it should have boosted. I look nice. I wore my red dress. My red dress is my favorite dress because it makes me look like I have a glorious body. It tucks in the chucks of unnecessary fat people don't need to see. 

Wait, how does she know what I look like?

"I can see you," she laughs answering my mental question. "So can the whole world. I'm broadcasting this on your Instagram page!"

I copy Ant's gesture from earlier and facepalm.

Of course, she is...

"Don't worry Kat, the world may have caught you grinding on strangers earlier, but the real star was watching how many times Anthony fell when Cha Cha slide came on."

Ant fell? And I missed it?!

"Anyways babe, this one is for you." She holds up a glass of wine and leans it towards the camera. "You are my best friend. The light of my life. My forever. I am so stinking proud of you. I cannot wait to see the greatness you become."

Once again I can't help let tears streak down my face. Erin quickly catches on and yells "don't cry! You're messing up your makeup!"

I shake my head and dab under my eye. Fuck makeup. Living in the moment is the real beauty. This is my new motto. Its silly but I seem to have to keep reminding myself of that. 

VorfreudeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon