Chapter 12

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Seattle is the IT city for me. The moment we stepped off the plane, I knew I was destined to be here. Even if it is only for two nights.

I Instagramed and Snapchatted almost every large building of unique architecture I saw within the confined windows of the Uber. Oliver kept insisting I'm definitely a millennial.

It took us forever to retrieve our bags at customs and there was a mess up with our hotel rooms once we got to the hotel. I've agreed to crash with Oliver because Andy sleeps with some kind of loud machine and Oliver wouldn't stop bickering with him about trying to find a different hotel down the street because he refused to sleep in the same corridors.

The man at the concierge was kind enough to change our bedding option from a queen single bed to two double beds attached to a suite. Once Andy made sure I was completely comfortable, he agreed.

I don't mind sleeping in the same room as a guy. My best friend is a guy and I've managed to live with him all this time. I don't believe this shall be any different even though my knowledge of Oliver isn't very well in depth yet.

Oliver didn't hesitate when I stated the option. In fact he kind of smiled.

We head up to our rooms to deposit our bags without saying a word. Andy gives us a goodnight signal as he walks into the room directly across from us after he makes it up the stairs. I've discovered he has a fear of elevators and will not enter one unless he absolutely has to. I'm just lazy. I'm not walking up 14 flights of stairs when I can take a small cube into the air that deposits me and my belongings in an instant.

It's only 9pm and even though we haven't really done anything today except travel, I can tell all of us are tired. Oliver drags as he takes both of our bags from the bell boys cart off and places them inside the hallway of our room by the bathroom. I pick up one of mine and walk into the bedroom after getting a side eye while attempting to help. My own eyes grant me luxury as I take in the scenic view surrounding us. The back entire wall is glass and looks out into the city's lights. There's two bookshelves in between the two beds filled with classic novels along with new releases. I walk over to the bed closest to the glass and set my bag down. My feet take me to the window and I admire the beauty I am witnessing. Texas is nothing like this. Houston was my place to escape to just so I could find peace within the glow, but Houston's lights are nothing compared to Seattle's.

"Gorgeous, isn't it?" Oliver says from behind me. He brings two of my other bags and sets them down next to my other one before walking over to stand beside me. I glance up to him and notice the features on his face are lit up almost as beautiful as the lights. He brings his arms up and crosses them. "Back home we have a thing called the VIVID Sydney light festival. Colorful lights brighten the sky of all of Sydney for one day only."

He doesn't look at me as he speaks nor does his face show any sort of emotion. The charisma that was there just seconds ago vanishes, but he keeps his gaze out into the city.

"Every time I see a view like this, I'm reminded of my mates and even if it's for a split second, I miss them and my family."

I cross my arms this time as I turn my entire body to him. "Why did you move here?"

His eyebrow raises as he ponders his reply. I wait almost an entire minute before he decides to answer.

"Have you ever heard the phrase 'Curiosity killed the Kat?'" he smiles. I playfully reach across and shove his shoulder. He chuckles and then states "I have no family left."

My body freezes.

"My parents died the day before my high school graduation."

Have you ever felt your heart literally sink? Because I think I just did. "I'm so sorry,"

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