Chapter 14

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It's incredible to witness the statement, "Seattle is a city made for wealth." Without a doubt, every corner you turn shouts business and with business comes an escalading economic growth. Needless to say all morning I have experienced too much for words to describe. Tall bleak buildings surround us and exciting museums of abnormal things draw interest to my soul. I cannot believe I've never been to Seattle much less knew of the magnificent sights that are known as such important landmarks. 

After a while, I begged Oliver to show me his insights on the city aside from places most traveled, but he argued he didn't know of such. I know he's been here time and time again, but he's being a blank wall. I'm the person who loves to see the small things when traveling versus visiting a spot millions of people go to just to say they've been there too. When Oliver starts to recognize that my lack on enthusiasm is wearing thin, he then confesses his trail of lies and finally begins to exhibit the places he finds most interesting which brings back to life my inner child.

 As we walk down the main stream location he calls Lois Lane, I finally sense more than money. This is what I'm talking about. The little secrets that lay within the city are the secrets that keep the world guessing. This is where people find the most captivating experiences. 

There are cute shops and artsy restaurants scattered street after street. The people that walk the sidewalks aren't dressed like the mainstream of people in Seattle are or what we've seen previously. They've traded in their designer clothes and red bottoms for a much more modern appearance that makes an uneasy person feel more at home. 

I notice a woman in shorts so short I can literally see her vagina. Maybe she's too much at home. 

This is breezy weather. I'm in a large coat and thick leggings. Oliver's even in a hoodie. I wish I had my winter boots with me. I would feel much more aesthetic with them. I practically only wear booties and I think that's a lot of the reason for my lack of fashion.

I snap a pic of a short, overly structured building that has blasts of red seeping down the side. "That wasn't even that cute," Oliver says with an annoyed expression. I stick my tongue out and take another. I'm going to need to upgrade my latest version iPhone to a larger capacity if I keep taking pictures of everything I see especially if we're going to 26 other cities. I can't help it. I'm fascinated with the world outside of the small world I've always known.

Within an hour, Oliver takes me to a small indie bar for a late lunch. There are large iridescent lights in sculptures of weirdly designed animals hanging from every corner in the place. The lights are dark, almost too dark. I have transitions on my glasses and it takes just a little too long for them to adjust to the hue. I notice almost everyone in this place has large square framed glasses on like mine. I wonder if these people actually see or if they are just trying to be hip in the latest trend. It's sick though. It's not like I choose to be blind.

"Have you had an interesting day?" Oliver asks, dipping his fried pickle chip into honey mustard.

"It was as interesting as you doing that," I say pointing to catastrophe about to go into his mouth. I reach over like a sane person and dip mine into ranch.

I will not lie, Oliver has been an exquisite tour guide. I figured Andy would've came with us today, but he told us he had stuff to catch up on in the hotel in preparation for my first signing tomorrow. I'm trying hard not to think about it, so as the hours tick down for us to go to bed, the nerves pick up.

"What?" He replies, finally sticking the chip inside of his mouth. "You don't like honey mustard?"

I nod my head but say, "Not in relations to pickles."

He chuckles and slide the small bowl to me.

"I can bullshit. You can't knock it until you try it."

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