Chapter 38

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There's this saying that's been ventured for centuries. I've never believed it, but then again I've never experienced it. Wise individuals tell you that when you meet the right one, whether they are right for you in eternity or just right for you at the moment, you'll encounter a moment of being completely star struck. In this limelight, things will either escalate or wither out because the flame has died. There's never been an option for being in-between.

I've honestly could've never understood what that meant until now.

Harry's eyes are liquid emeralds to my soul. Each time he looks at me, it's like he's looking at me for the first time yet it's as if he's known me a lifetime. It's the sweetness of honey without the after taste.

I will not lie, I love the way his body instantaneously steps forward to be closer to mine the moment the doors are 100% shut. 'What harm could it do to kiss him?' I begin to ask myself. Clearly, there is intimacy between us.

My heart is accelerating, 90 to nothing, with a large elephant sitting directly on my chest, allowing me to forget how to breathe, but reminding me of the situation in front of me. It's not a bad burn. It's seeping in quite delightfully. Maybe the elephant is actually less of an elephant more of a realistic object.

"Kat," Harry whispers. I'm thrown off in the slightest way. I've actually never heard him call me Kat. He has always used my full name. Not that I mind it, it's just strange to me. His pronunciation of Katherine is much more adequate than it needs to be.

When he doesn't say anything else, I'm encouraged to bring my hand up and position it lightly on his cheek. I swiftly graze my fingertips across his face before stopping just below his ear to cup his face. He gently turns into my palm, and his eyes shut. One of his hands reaches out and I feel an electric current vibrate through me as it lands on my waist. It's a magnetic movement. Two strong entities creating one orb. The flame that could ignite is bewitching.

As his eyes reopen, he begins leaning in.

I watch as if we are in slow motion. Cheesy, but true. I'm fascinated with the way time slows.

His long, dark brown curls fall out from behind his ear and into his face. I stop him from continuing for the slightest moment to retrieve it. His eyes follow my every move as if he's just as captivated by me.

Standing alone, together, in this elevator, the world stops it's spin on it's the axis for the two of us just to have this moment. I take my hand away from his face, but his free hand tugs to stop me, pushing it back to its original spot below his ear. He leaves his hand on top of mine as he speaks with his eyes. I feel it. I feel everything he is saying to me. Actually, I have no idea what he's saying to me, but my body feels it. My mind witnesses it. My soul breathes it in. I have never felt what my entire existence is feeling right now. It's mind-boggling.

He leans in, more persistent this time. I myself press into the tips of my toes to hike my heights to meet him halfway. His hand on my back pulls me up to him.

Teenage me would be losing her shit right now if she knew adult me was about to kiss her inspirational icon.

I blink, trying to get a grasp on reality and when my eyes open again, our lips are millimeters away. My breathing is out of control, but the weight on my chest has completely disappeared. A wave of absolute calmness rushes through my bloodstream and along with it, I find warmth,

Harry's eyes are on my lips, and within an instant, I watch his face turn in sudden distress. His eyebrows furrow together and he contemplates what he's doing.

The moment of awe is gone.

I let out a breath to ease his mind and answer his unasked question floating in his head. I fall to my heels but remain in his arms because I don't have the energy to move away. He doesn't ease his grip. In fact, his arms tighten.

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