Chapter 20

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"What would you like to drink?" says a middle aged, dark haired woman. Harry turns to face her completely. She is small, much smaller than I imagined being her voice was so loud and pompous echoing through these hushed walls. 

"Mimosa's for both of us," Harry replies, walking away from me, towards her. 

I have to think for a second before realizing what a mimosa is. 

"Actually, I'll have water," I speak up. The woman looks from Harry to me and then back to Harry with scandalous eyes. 

"Afraid of a little champagne?" Harry says, turning back to look at me with a spark in his eye. Apparently whatever just happened is definitely over, but I can't tell if a witty Harry means acceptance of the fact we almost kissed or if this humor is just him being the generous man he is meaning confrontation is coming.  I bite the inside of my lip as I actually don't know what to say. 

"It's a little early for an alcoholic beverage, don't you think?" I hear myself ask. I watch him chuckle and then sit down on the chair across from where I sat down my belongings. His eyes gleam up at me in thrill. 

"It's never too early, plus we have to celebrate, remember?" 

The woman exits the room and I am uncertain as to what she'll bring back. If I was her, I'd listen to Harry, but I hope my answers mean something in this predicament.

"Celebrate what?" I ask as I walk forward and sit down in my own seat. I watch him as he leans forward onto the table with his forearms. 

"Your first signing, doll. It's today, isn't it?" 

Part of me finds relief to hear him say that, but then the other part of me starts freaking out. For the slightest moment, I forgot what is going to come for me this afternoon. 

I am going to be having my first signing today. My life is literally changing today. 

"Don't tell me you've forgotten?" 

I bite down on the corner of my lip again before looking away. 

"I didn't forget, more so am avoiding it until it happens?" 

He stays quiet, therefore I have no choice but to look back to him. He's staring at me. 

"Why would you be avoiding such an exciting time?" 

I pause briefly because truthfully I'm not sure how to answer this without seeming a little insane. 

The door opens again as I'm about to reply and the woman is back, carrying two mimosas and two glasses of water. She sets one of each down in front of me first before delivering Harry his. I remain quiet because I do not feel comfortable speaking in front of her and also because the more I think about it, my response was too personal and I don't think I'd be willing to share something like that just yet. 

"Here's a menu," the woman says, sliding me a small laminated paper that is the size of an index card. I look up to her and begin searching for a name tag. She's never introduced herself and I'd like to know her name. "Anything sound appetizing?" 

Her eyes are glued on Harry. I'm sure everyone's eyes are always glued on Harry, but the way she's staring at him is too school girly for someone her age. 

"Ah yes, an omelet sounds appeasing," Harry says while continuing to look at the small menu. His face is very serious for a menu that has limited options. He adds that he'd like onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, ham, cheddar and swiss mixed in. It's a very interesting combination, but I'd say I'd have to pass. 

"And you?" she asks, finally pulling her gaze away and meeting mine. Instantly, I look down at my menu. Nothing really catches my eyes, therefore I'm left with choosing an omelet too. 

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