Chapter 29

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I watch intensively as green eyes pierce into mine. Plush pink lips pull together and disappear as his sharp tongue sweeps over them. He pulls his bottom lip in and my mind processes it in a slow motion.  The room is quiet even though chatter floods around us. Plates are clinking from forks and spoons, wine glasses are being refilled, some people are chewing their food while others are engaged in conversation, yet him and I are in our own bubble, just like before and I can't say I'm not 100% irrevocably consumed by it. This is almost Deja Vu.

"Isn't that right, Kat?" Anthony's voice says from beside me. I pull my eyes from Harry's and nod my head, " Unfortunately."

"She literally was caught practically naked on the track because of it. I swear that's the reason she had no enemies in high school. Everyone felt sorry for her." My face blushes bright red as Ant tells the entire group in front of me the story of how my jock boyfriend back then stole my clothes when I was in the shower and forced me to walk onto the field in nothing but a white tank top, no bra, and lace underwear all because I told his best friend his eyes were pretty. Mind you, my body type was and still isn't one I'd ever place on display like that. I'm kind of upset he's resurfaced this story. I thought it had died the day I walked that stage and said goodbye to those delinquents.

"He was a complete asshole," I counter, still blushing, avoiding Harry's stare directly across from me.

"That's all you're attracted to," Ant adds, laughing but in a cold demeanor, "assholes."

My eyebrows pull together and my head instantly snaps in his direction. His smile drops, but his face is cold. "Excuse me?" I question. "You heard me," he says barely audible. 

"I think we all fall for an.. asshole at some point in our life," Harry speaks up. I look to him and my heart beats abruptly. "They shape us into the characters we become or at least help us picture who we'd like to become," he finishes. I want to say something, but I'm left speechless. He has a point and in retrospect, I've never heard a more true statement.  Ant looks to Harry and back to me before giving me a slight eye roll and diving into the food that remains on his plate. I let out a small agitated sigh, and pick up my own fork. I'm not sure who Anthony is trying to impress, but I feel slightly embarrassed to have him here with this fowl attitude.

Harry had apparently talked with Andy about meeting for dinner tonight along with some of his crew as he has a meeting with his record label here in Atlanta tomorrow. Ironic or planned? I'm not sure, but we're going with pure coincidence. Andy then informed Oliver when we landed and Oliver decided to it from me because he too is an asshole. Maybe Ant is right.. yikes. But then again, do I even like Oliver?

I'm excited that I'm getting to spend time with Harry though, but I'm a little salty that Ant's attitude hasn't improved much and that this is who he's representing himself as in front of Harry. It's really weird to have all of us sitting at a long, sleek table in an elegant restaurant in uptown Atlanta. If only I had known publishing a book just months ago would have me sitting across from the Harry Styles, my best friend sitting next to me and another friend whom I'm beginning to understand on the other side, I would've assumed I was dreaming. This isn't a life that happens often. Not to people like me at least.

"Katherine, if you could choose one literary male character for yourself, who would you choose?" Harry speaks, changing the subject, but also frightening me with conduct. For a slim second, I've forgotten every single book I've read.

"I uh-" I start, everyone's eyes glancing to me.

"She's going to say Darcy," Ant says before sticking a bite of steak in his mouth.

"Darcy's a dick though," Oliver hashes. 

"Asshole, dick, same smut," Ant objects.

"Clearly not," Oliver quickly contradicts. He sets his fork down and takes a sip of water. "If Darcy was an asshole, he would've been actively doing damage, instead he was a dick in terms of he wasn't meaning to oblige Elizabeth. He knew what he wanted but fought himself against his feelings resulting in foul language and hurt feelings. There's a strong line between hurting someone on purpose and doing it to protect your feelings."

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