Chapter 48 - Eagle's Prey

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"Perhaps later today. I'm surprised you're not ready. Did you forget what time it was?" I look around the kitchen for the clock. It's not where it's usually posted due to the fact the explosion the herb extracts made caused it to fall off the wall and break.

"Uhhhhh.... Time for cookies and tea?" Fuegoleon closes his eyes and sighs at me.

"The musician for the wedding will be here soon." He looks at me up and down, causing me to glance at myself as well. I'm coved in flower and splatters. And although my hair is pulled up into a bun, loose hair still stick out in a frizzled mess. "Please clean up. I've got a meeting with Nozel afterwards."

"Right, right. I'm on it. The girls' playmats are still out, so you can put them down for tummy time if you want. Oh, you should of seen it today, Mira's almost rolled all the way over today! It was the cutest thing ever."

"Then it's only a matter of time before you two are mobile." Fuegoleon tells the girls as he bounces them in his arm. "We should check that everything is still childproof. I'll talk to the staff to put it on their schedule. Now go get ready," Fuegoleon instructs me. I lean over the counter and give him a quick peck on the lips before bouncing out of the kitchen on my way to the bathroom.

It doesn't take me long to get cleaned up and ready for our appointment. News of our engagement spread like wildfire after we told Leo and Leona. I remember like it was yesterday. All the Vermillions were waiting for us in the main living room when we came home from training that day. Leona, Leo, Mimosa and even Kirsch were patiently awaiting the good news. I was actually quite surprised they all managed to sit in the same room without starting an argument or burning down the house. Though Mimosa did look utterly exhausted, but I couldn't tell if it was from watching the twins or if it was having to deal with her exuberant brother.

Leo practically jumped on us as soon as we entered the room. I distinctly remember him saying something about getting a "loving sister" which only got him a fiery fist to the face from Leona. After nearly killing Leo, Leona brought out the celebratory sake which I sadly had to turn down due to it being close to the girls' final feeding for the night. Mimosa gently congratulated me with a hug and her verbal admiration for us, all while Kirsch, being Kirsch, rambled on about how he was going to make sure the wedding was the most beautiful affair the capital has ever seen. The longer he went on about it, the more drained Mimosa became and the more terror was installed in me. When I said yes, it didn't quite click that our wedding, despite my many protests, would be a public affair and highly anticipated by the kingdom. Which brought us to today. Most of the wedding planning was done by the royal event planners, but Fuegoleon and I still had to make many choices that were presented to us. Different color schemes, time of year, flowers, music, and most importantly cake were all narrowed down to a few choices as to not overwhelm us. But even with the narrowed selection choice, decisions were still hard to make when everyone seemed to have an opinion.

I was expecting more help from my bridal party on the decisions, but apparently I was presuming too much. Mimosa was of course elated to be a part of the bridal party. And I was grateful that she had actually taken care of the flowers for us. I was impressed she was able to secure a supply of my favorite medicinal blooming plants I used in many of my potions. They were hard for even me to get a hold of, but I had a feeling she had been cultivating them herself with the help of her magic. I had also asked Noelle to be a bridesmaid as I felt like I was someone she looked up to. And because she didn't have a mother, I felt like this would be a unique bonding experience for her as well. I actually had to go to the Black Bulls' base with the twins to go ask her. She had gotten very nervous when she found out the reason for my visit was to ask her to be apart of my big day.

Distant Worlds ~ A Black Clover Story (Fuegoleon Vermillion X OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora