
You were in the car with Mr Weasley, the ministry driver, Harry, Ron and George your boyfriend, you were getting ready to head back to Hogwarts for your sixth year with Fred and George and you were going to the station ready to get on your train, you and George had gotten into a fight earlier that morning about some comment he'd made about Angelina looking really good in a photo she'd sent of her and her family on some holiday, you weren't usually the type to get jealous but it just rubbed you the wrong way 
"Look I don't want to talk about it." You whispered to him in the back of the car, you were sat next to the window, George next to you and next to him crammed into a space with Harry and Ron. 
"We're going to talk about it." He growled back at you, ignoring the looks he was getting from his father, you crossed your arms across your chest and stared out of the window ignoring him, giving him the silent treatment. 
"You can't ignore me're my girlfriend, you'll have to talk to me at some point."

The car was taking longer than you thought it would, you expected it to be quicker than this but it felt like it was taking forever, you lent your head against the window as it started to rain harder. 
"Talk to me." You shook your head, looking at Mr Weasley who was now staring at you in the mirror, you sent him a soft smile looking back out of the window once again.
"Can you both stop fighting! It's awkward enough being in this car as it is!" Ron finally yelled breaking the silence, all eyes were on him now, you bit down on your lip looking at Mr Weasley who was nodding in agreement. You didn't say anything, you just laid your head on George's shoulder, him leaving a small kiss on the top of your head. 


You'd always been jealous of Ron and Hermione's friendship with one another, they were so close and it only grew as the years went by. You were in the burrow with Harry after Dumbledore had just dropped you off, you were sitting in the kitchen eating some soup when you heard footsteps coming down the stairs, your boyfriend Ron was standing there in his PJ's, his sister Ginny and Hermione also there. 
"Y/n, you're here early." Ron said, toothbrush hanging out of his mouth, you smiled at him and nodded. 
"Dumbledore picked me up with Harry." Hermione nodded, looking at you. You suddenly felt a pang of jealously when she touched Ron's arm and pointed up the staircase. 
"We should finish up." You looked back down at the bowl of soup and pushed it away. 
"You're staying in Fred and George's old room you too, come on." You and Harry made your way up the staircase and into the room. You and Harry had always been close, like brother and sister and it stayed that way. Unlike Ron and Hermione, you knew Ron liked her when you first started dating but he promised you the feelings for her were long gone but you were having a hard time believing it. 

You were sat on the bed with Harry talking about it, he knew how you got, jealous, you hated it. It was one of the worst traits you had but you just loved Ron so much you couldn't get your head out of the jealously cloud whenever she was around him alone. The door pushed open and you saw Ron standing there shaking his head at you, fuck. You knew he'd heard everything you'd been saying about, you trusting him but not her and how you just wanted Ron to see how you felt for once. 
"I can't keep doing's too much. You're always on the edge, always's too much." He said looking at you, Harry awkwardly left the room and you looked at the ground. 
"I'm sorry...I'm trying." Hermione was at his side now, touching his arm to get him to calm down, you bit down on your lip ignoring the jealously raging inside of you.


You were sat in St Mungo's with Harry, Ron and Hermione, you'd been dragged to see Professor Lockhart since he'd seen you in the halls. You were sitting beside his bed when you heard your boyfriends Grandma's voice, you smiled looking around the room to try and find her when you saw her come out from behind a curtain, Neville and someone else by her side. 
"Y/N." She whispered pulling you into a hug and looking at Neville. 
"You didn't tell me Y/N would be joining us." She said, you looked at Neville who was looking anywhere but at you. 
"She's not." You looked at your sister Hermione who looked just as confused as you did,
"We should go, don't want to be late." The girl who was with Neville said running her hand on his arm and pulling him out of the room. 
"Who's that?" Ron asked as they walked out, you shook your head. 
"No idea, never seen her before...maybe she's his cousin or something." You said sitting back down with Hermione.

You were back at school again and Neville had been avoiding you since Christmas, you'd started to notice that girl around a lot more too. You found out from Katie Bell that it was some sixth year but that didn't give you much information on her just that she and Neville were close friends and got a long great, which was weird because Neville had never mentioned her to you before. He walked into the library with her, her arm linked with his and you looked up, the image sent pains into your heart, you tried not to think the worst of it, lots of friends did that, but what you didn't prepare for was her smirking at you, leaning up and kissing Neville on the lips, your heart dropped to the floor as he wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer to him. You silently got up from your chair and walked past them .
"Wait! Y/N!"You ignored his calls running towards the fat lady portrait wanting the image of them to just get out of your mind but every time you closed your eyes it hurt more and more.
"Please stop...Neville please." You whimpered looking at him, tears spilling out of your eyes and down your cheeks. 


You'd gotten into a huge fight with Harry, it wasn't the first time and it wouldn't be the last. You'd just gotten to the wedding when you saw him running into the wedding tent with Mrs Weasley and Ginny, you headed in after them and hugged Bill to congratulate him, then you hugged the twins who you hadn't seen in a while. 
"Good to see you Y/N, Didn't think you'd show up." George said looking at you, you frowned shaking your head confused at what he'd said. 
"Why wouldn't I show up?" He nodded over at Harry who was currently dancing with Ginny, hand in hand.
"Been that way since you left." Fred mumbled, you nodded grabbing a drink from a near by tray and drinking it. 
"Some people move on faster than's normal." George said, trying to reassure you. 
"Which would be great if we were actually broken up." You sighed putting down your glass. 
"What happened? Harry said something about a fight, nasty break up?" Fred quizzed sitting down with you at a near by table. 
"He was jealous of me hanging around Neville so much, I brought up the topic of jealously and it went from there...but we didn't break up." You whispered trying not to cry in front of the twins, you looked down at the floor. 
"I'll be right back." You added getting up and heading towards the house. 

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Harry asked, you were stood in the kitchen getting some water. 
"Topic on everyone's lips today." You spat back at him, turning to look at him. 
"You told the twins we broke up?" You questioned looking at him, he nodded. 
"We did...we had that huge fight remember." You scoffed shaking your head and looking at him in the eyes. 
"Couples fight Harry, I needed some space not abandonment!" You yelled, Ginny came into the house now looking for him. 
"But I guess we're done, so I'll leave you guys to it." You said aparating out of the house. 

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