Haha Just Kidding Here's an Epilogue

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"So, as I said, Jeongyeol and Eunjae were in love with each other. We'll get back to them later. EunHo started going out more and fell in with the wrong group. They were bad people who stole things they didn't want or need just to aggravate people. They beat up random citizens on the streets for the satisfaction of having blood on their hands. They did whatever they wanted with no rules, and no guidance. And EunHo made friends with them.

"EunHo still had good morals at the time and tried not to do some of the same things. He only wanted to be seen with the 'cool kids' so he stayed with them. Eventually though, his heart darkened and he joined them in the Tiger Gang, only wanting power over the weak."

Jungkook gasped softly.

"He got close to the people in the tiger gang and made connections so quickly, he was promised the position of leader and the leader at that time treated him like a son. It is unspeakable and unimaginable, the things he did to show power and authority.

"Now, back to the two lovers. They were a part of this gang that we're in right now. They were proud Trijudongs. Well one day, Jeongyeol proposed to Eunjae. But she said she couldn't say yes. She was held back by something and Jeongyeol become depressed afterward, wondering why she couldn't say yes even though they both knew she wanted too.

"Now remember when I told you EunHo loved the woman as well? Well, on the same night that Eunjae said no, he kidnapped her and took her to the tiger gang for himself."

This time, Hoseok gasped along with Jimin and Kook. "He kidnapped her!?" He asked, clearly astonished. Jungkook clasped his hands together anxiously. Jimin scooted over to the two older boys and grabbed a hold of the closest person. So Hoseok holding Yoongi's hand tightly while Jimin clutched his leg desperately and Yoongi sighed and tried his best to get comfortable for the rest of the story.

Jungkook's father laughed a little at the others and continued with a smile on his face and a sad twinkle in his eye.

"Yes, EunHo kidnapped the poor woman. And forced her to love him. And the-"

"Crazy old shithead can't do that! Idiot should know that's not how it works." Jimin was looking up with fiery eyes from his spot on Yoongi's leg. Jungkook's father frowned. "Language, Jimin. Jungkook's only five."

Jungkook piped up in his fathers lap. "Oh wait! It's okay! I already know all the cuss words! Yoongi taught me them and told me to use them when-"

"Shut up Kooks!" Yoongi said. Jungkook slouched, suddenly quiet. "Oh, right," he said. "You didn't hear that, dad."

Jungkook's dad shot Yoongi a 'we'll talk later' look and sighed. "You can't use them at all, Kookie. You're only five." Jungkook nodded. "Just finish the story," he whined. Jungkook's father pat his knee.

"Well, EunHo forced her to have a kid with him," Jungkook's father began, but Hoseok broke in.

"That's called rape!" He exclaimed. Jungkook's father looked at him, agitated. "And who taught you that?" He asked. Hoseok covered his mouth. "I can't say," he stated, his words muffled through his hand. The old man looked at Yoongi again, who shrugged, his face innocent and clueless. "Oh I hope you don't think it was me, Mr. Jeon!"

"Okay you know what? Forget it. That's all for now," Jungkook's father said. "We'll finish the story some other time.

"Nooooooo!" A chorus of four little boys whining filled the room.

"Please don't leave us on a cliffhanger!"

"No I wanna hear the story!"

"Please father we won't talk!"


Jungkook's father looked at all of them, earning big beady eyes and pouty lips. He continued, unable to say no. Especially to his son.

"Okay. Well, EunHo forced Eunjae to have a child with him."

"Rape," Hoseok whispered to Yoongi under his breath. Jungkook's father pretended he didn't hear it and kept going.

"And Jeongyeol never got to see her again."

Jimin let out a sad, "Awwww."

"Remember GaEul? She went to the savagetooth gang and married there, remember? She married a man called JongRyu and had her own son. She loved her son dearly. Word never got out about whether the son had powers or not, and a few months after he was born, she learned they were not safe there. She fled with her son, praying that they would never be found.

"EunHo wanted ultimate power over all of the gangs, so he set out to find the mother and her son. To this day, no one knows what happened to the two. Whether they were found or they're still hiding is a still a mystery.

"But she looked into the future once before she left. She foretold that a very young man would find her son and take care of him. And love him and keep him safe. It was set in stone that they were soulmates before we even knew who the second boy would be."

Jungkook's father paused for dramatic effect- also to see if anyone was about to interrupt again.

"Well, the end. I hope you guys enjoyed."

"Wait!" Jungkook said as his father set him down. "That's not a story," he whined. "There's no happy ending."

"Then how about you make one?"

"I'm not good at telling stories like you are," Jungkook grumbled. He really wanted to hear a happy ending. Jungkook's father leaned down and ruffled his hair.

"Then how about this? When you grow up, you'll be the missing boy's soulmate."

Jungkook's face brightened up and his smile returned. "Really?" He gasped. His eyes shone with fascination. His father nodded. "And you two can live happily ever after."

Jungkook looked down, contemplating his new fate. "You mean I'm gonna be a part of a real story!?" He asked. "I'm famous!?"

Jungkook's father laughed. "Sure, kiddo. Now it's nap time for you."

Jungkook dropped his smile. "Noo!" He shouted. He jumped off of his father's lap and ran off on his stubby little legs. Hoseok and Yoongi laughed. Jungkook's father sighed and speed-walked after him, scooping him up and carrying him effortlessly out of the room.

"I don't wanna take a nap!" Jungkook complained, thrashing around in his father's grasp. "Too bad son," the elder said. "Here, maybe you will dream about your soulmate."

Jungkook stopped writhing around and hung limply in his father's arms, defeated. "Okay," He said, distraught. "But don't leave me in that godforsaken crib for too long or you'll get it."

Jungkook's father blinked. Did my son just threaten me? He shrugged it off.

Once Jungkook was in his crib, he took the elevator down to his room and sighed, grabbing at his hair. He looked at a picture of his lover on the nightstand.

"I'm so sorry Eunjae," He whispered. "That I can't come and save you. But I promise that I'll protect Jungkook until I die. And I know that he'll find the boy. And he'll live the happy ending that we never got to."

Y'all I honestly didn't see that coming either.

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