October 25th 298/67

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Mousette had made a deal with Elf
And after he didn’t seem himself
He had a powwow with Troll, Barbie and Fred
And they weren’t thrilled with what he said

A new villain, Evil Moonbeam, Grit
Nearly gave Troll an aaaaaaaarhing fit
He stomped his peg and brandished his hook
And through one eye and evil look

‘He has a point,’ Fred said, ‘on the end of his arm.’
‘Yes he does,’ said Barbie, oozing charm
Elf slapped his head over the effort spent
And tried to crawl inside his tent
But the trio cried, ‘Oh no! You started this talk.’
And Elf was forced to walk the walk

The legend was how he began his tale
And the Bayou Book of Rune he did regale
At the end of the story, Troll recovered from shock
And the trio set out to find Turtle Rock

Sam and Boris with the help of Rob
Found rescuing Gus was quite a job
Yes they had succeeded in delivering the broom
But now Gus and the glider were stuck in the room

Mabel hurried to town to buy more balloons
Three of the B Boys played encouraging tunes
Lady R and Anna Gram stood back to take stock
Governess Jane was too startled to talk
She found a map showing the way to Turtle Rock

She cracked her whip at Troll, Barbie and Fred
They listened warily to what she said
We’ll take the car, Sykes can drive
But hurry in case Peen Utbutter might arrive
As to driving the car, Sykes was a bit edgy
But it turned out Utbutter had acquired a wedgie

The car sped away at the crack of noon
And drove through the night of a gibbous moon
Their goal to find the sister of voodoo
They all cried in chorus, ‘Yoo hoo D’Hoodoo!’

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