June 10 161/204

24 3 2


The Intervention.......

Short Fred Gold leapt to the
Call of the challenge.
He begged his friends
To rest and lounge
Till his confab with Troll
Reached a successful end.

"I'll talk to Troll
You can trust me,
It won't be a gamble!
I'll talk and talk and talk and talk,
And, in the end, I'm sure
Troll will abandon this lark!"

So Fred grabbed up his soap box
And ran through the sand...
"Hold up, Troll! Wait for me!
We need to powwow... just you and me!"


Camel hump-along, galumph-along...
Troll try'n his best to hang-along.
With each lurching lurch
Troll bounced a foot above his perch.

"Whoa, PameLAAA!" Troll demanded
"You're a fine CameLAAA...
But my backside will need
An ice-filled bandanna LAAAAAA!!!"

Then , with a mighty push,
Troll launched off his desert steed,
And landed with an 'OOMPH!'
In a sandy stony dune
On his boney Troll tush!

Shaking the sand from his eyes
He glared at Fred...
And with his most hoity-toity attitude
Began to spout
" You seem to feel you have something
Important to impart,
So, out with it, Gold!
Cause I can't shut you up
If you don't start!"


Fred climbed up and stood on his box
"Listen up Troll.
This is an intervention.
You gotta let folks know about your intentions.
Elf is real close to turning us all
....( Except for Barbie)....
Into big, red, rubber balls!
Plus, now there's a snake and a fox...
We could open a zoo!
Cept the fox is a double-agent,
And the giant King Cobra is Regent,
And the camel's saddle
Belongs to the French Foriegn Legion!
Ishmael is homesick for an ocean to spout off in.
The Walleyedendas are on a sit down strike.
And Mermaid Liz will only eat freeze-dried Pike!

The ladies are at wardrobe odds
And Sam keeps whining like a slob
And Rob! Sheesh!.. What a Blob!

B Boys are sing'n
Till our ears are ring'n!
Bosun is slap'n wooden spoons,
And Boris keeps come'n undone! "

Troll studied his excited sidekick
With his clever troll-wise eye
And put his arm around him.

" Come on, dear Fred,
You're all worked up.
Don't worry about all these trivialities.
Remember our motto, and Buck up!

'Carpe Diem, baby!' "

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