Chapter 76

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"Oh, Niall, how a-are you?" I nervously ask

I feel Harry's hand on the small of my back and I tense. The tension in this room has gone up by a ton and I'm biting my nails.

"I'm doing alright I guess." he mumbles

"Well, that's great." I weakly smile

"Can we-" Niall begins but is caught off

"Darling! I want you to meet some friends of mine!" my dad exclaims

I'm pulled into the crowd and I look back to see Niall standing alone. To think of what we could have been upsets me. We could have gotten married. We could be at this dinner party right now but instead I'm instead here with Harry. Don't get me wrong. I love Harry and I think he might be the one but every time I look at Niall at Niall or hear his words or hear someone talking about him my heart crumbles.

I'm given a glass of white wine and I'm associating with men my dad's age with Harry's arm wrapped around my waist. My head is spinning and I can't help but down my glass of wine and look around to see if a waiter is walking around with wine.

"Excuse me, I have to use the bathroom." I politely excuse myself

I walk away but I see Harry talking to the men. I hope they don't go looking for me.

"What can I get you miss?" the bartender asks

"Give me something random and strong." I mutter

He nods and starts preparing a drink. I look around and see everybody discussing business. "Here you go." the bartender places the drink in front of me

I've downed three drinks and my head is a bit fuzzy. I hear my phone ding and I unlock my phone to see that Harry has texted me.

Harry: Where are you?

Harry: You okay, babe?

Me: I'm just gtting some fresh air;) I'll be bcak latwr

My spelling is so off because I can barely focus on the screen but whatever.

Harry: Oh jeez, are you at the bar?

I giggle for some reason

Me: Yaaaass;)

Harry doesn't respond so I don't bother to text him. I sip on my drink and play some tennis game on my phone. I'm so close from winning the tournament.

I feel arms around my waist and a kiss pressed to my neck. "Harry!" I turn around but my smile drops when I see it isn't Harry.

It's the lad that broke my heart.

"Can we talk outside?" Niall asks

I peel his arms off of me and give him the "are you serious look". He has to be kidding me. "Please?" he begs

"Fine." I huff

I stand up from the bar stool and head out the door to outside. What could he possibly want to say to me? He broke up my heart and I can't forgive him for that. I don't think I'll ever forgive him even though we were so in love. Well, I was in love with him. He might of not been in love with me but I sure as hell was in love with him.

"I'm so happy that given me a chance to speak! Thank you, Alex."

I stand there silent.

"I like that you went back to blonde. It really suits your blue-" he begins

"What did you need to talk to you about?" I cut to the chase

"Oh, Alex. I was so drunk that night and pissed. I never meant to cheat on you. I never meant to cheat on the girl I love and still love. " he rushes

"Soooo, you had no idea that you were cheating on me? Even when you were snogging with some whore?" I scoff

"I was mad and that was the worst decision I have ever made. Please, please, forgive me. I've been so miserable ever since this whole mess. I can't make it through life without you." he says

"I'm with Harry now." I state
"Oh yeah. What's that all about?" he sarcastically says

"Harry and I are dating now."

"So you're having sex with your best friend? Classy, Alex." He scoffs

"You literally have no fucking filter! You make me come outside with you and plead to me about you are so sad and want to get back together and now you're asking about my sex life? You have no part in that! Then you say "Classy, Alex". You make me so mad I just-"

He presses his lips onto mine and hungrily kisses me. He puts his hands on my waist. I'm frozen. Absolutely frozen. "For fucks sake, kiss me back." he hisses

I kiss back for a second but then stop. No this is so wrong. We're over and I'm in love with Harry. He just insulted me so why would I kiss him?

"What the hell is your problem?" I yell

I hear a door open and look to see its Harry. Oh, Jesus.

"What's going on?" Harry orders

Harry looks at my flushed face and at Niall's angry face.

"Nothing happened right, Alex?" Niall says

I narrow my eyes at him and walk off and flip him off. How dare he do this? I can't believe this! Oh my, God! I feel tears in my eyes and I just walk to the car hoping that Harry will follow me so we can leave.

I see Harry walking towards me basically fuming.

"We're leaving now." Harry says angrily

I nod and open the car door. I don't want to argue with him now. Harry has a terrible temper and always has. I don't know why but he just has.

The car ride is silent until we pull up to the second red light of the trip.

"Are you really that stupid?" Harry asks


"Excuse me?"

"YOU knew that by going outside with him that he would pull something but yet you go outside with him."


"And then you let him kiss you?"

"Drop me off at my dad's house."

"Sweetheart, why did you let him kiss you?" he angrily asks

"I didn't! He came onto me! I pulled back!" I yell

"I heard all the details. You kissed him back."

"So you're going to believe him? My ex and the guy you despise over the girl you've known your whole life and love?" I spit

He huffs and rubs his face. When we pull up the guard gate Gary gives us a preppy greeting but Harry just mumbles a 'hello' and drives off. Once we're in my driveway I grab my purse and open the door.

"It's great to know that the boy I'm deeply in love with doesn't even trust me." I cry


I slam the door and walk towards the door but feel a hand grab my wrist.

"I trust you, Alex. I don't know what came over me but-" Harry begins

"Harry, stop."

"I'm serious, Alex. I love you."

"I'll call you later, okay?" I weakly say

I unlock the door and slip inside. I go upstairs to my room and luckily I still have clothes here that I can slip in. I walk back down stairs and grab a whole tub of ice cream and go back to my room. I scroll through the channels and see that "The Other Woman" is playing. At least my favorite movie is playing.

"Ugh, boys." I mumble to myself and take a bite of the ice cream

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