Chapter 73

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Songs for this chapter-

Fireproof- One direction

Adore you- Miley Cyrus

Amnesia- 5SOS


It's been a week.

One week without her.

I can't function.

I feel like I'm being suffocated.

The only thing I have now is a nice cold bottle of Coors Light. I've been going to a pub almost every night. I try to make the alcohol wash away the pain but it won't. Girls try to come on to me but I can't do it. I've learned my lesson. Oh boy, I have learned it so well. I keep on thinking she will come busting through the door saying that she loves me and that she'll take me back. It's been 168 hours and she hasn't contacted me. Is she hurting? Is she crying? What is she doing?

"Another beer please." I mumble

"Niall, you've been coming in here for a week straight getting drunk. I'm afraid to serve you another beer." the bartender says

"Whatever, I'll find another pub." I say rudely and sit up and leave

While I'm walking down the dark streets it reminds me of when Alex and I walked the dark streets in Paris. Why can't be like that again?

I look up at the sky, stars everywhere. I start to cry because that brings another memory.

"Niall, be quite! My dad could wake up any moment!" she shushes me

"Oh c'mon! Come down here beautiful!" I whisper loud enough for her to hear

She comes down to the ground and I look at her. Her hair is down and reaches her shoulder.

"Let's look at the stars, yeah?" I ask

She kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear an "okay"

That was time when Alex and I were in the in between stage. Friends almost dating. Those were the good days.

I wipe my tears away and sniffle a laugh. Another memory is when I was tickling her to death in the bed in Paris. She was running around the house both of us laughing so hard.

During that time I never thought this would happen but I guess it did.

Alex's POV

"Bye, Harry. I'll text you later." I smile and kiss his cheek

He nods and walks out the door. Harry and I have been 'hanging out' a lot lately. I honestly don't know what is going on. I'm having strong feelings for Harry but there's this pit in my heart where Niall can only fill. I should just forget about that. He never loved me. All of it was probably fake.

Soon enough I find myself pressed against the wall crying. Crying at all the memories we had together and now they have gone. Forsaken. None of it will happen again. I'm pacing back and forth in my house. Why does this have to happen? Why does my feelings for Harry have to come in too? He doesn't love me though. I know it. We're just best friends and its been like that for so long.

My phone starts to ring and I sluggishly walk over to get it. I don't even bother looking at the caller ID before I hit accept.

"Hello?" I sniffle

"Alex?" Harry says

"Oh hey." I say quietly

"I forgot something at your house. It's really important so can I come back?" Harry asks nervously

"Yeah, sure."

"You okay?" he asks


"No you aren't." he says

"Yeah I am, Harry."

"I know you, Alex. I know when you're upset and you're really upset at the moment." he says

Why does he always have to be true?

"I'll be over in 10. See you soon." he says

"See ya." I say and end the call

I wipe the make-up from under my eyes and crawl on the couch. I begin to almost fall asleep but the door slams open and I immediately jump up. It's Harry and he has an expression on his face but I can't describe it.

"A-Alex. I need to tell you something." Harry says

I nod.

"When we were little and had that first kiss in your tree house that's when I started to fall for you. As we got older and more mature I began falling in love with you. Every quirk. Your eyes, hair, smile. Just so many things. When we hit 8th grade and high school you got all the boys. I was so jealous but me, being little Harry Styles at the time didn't say anything. I hated seeing you with other guys. Then they would break your heart and you spill out all your feelings to me. I always wanted to be that guy. Every moment I saw you I fell more in love if that's even possible! It still happens. Every girlfriend of mine couldn't fill the hole in my heart. I've tried to stop loving you but I just can't. When you and Niall were together I was mad to be honest. He kept on hurting the girl that I love. I'm the guy that's graciously in love with you. Every part of me loves you too. What I'm trying to say is...."

He pauses for a moment.

"I'm fucking in love with you!" he half yells and throws his arms in the air

I stand there for a moment and before I know it I'm running into his arms.

"I love you." I sob

"I love you." he says

"I think I always have.... Even when I was with Niall." I sob

He looks at me for a moment and then crashes his lips onto mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and he picks me up. Our lips depart from each other and his forehead rests against mine.

"Make love to me." I whisper

He nods and kisses my jaw line and then down my neck. He carries me into the bedroom and sets me down on the bed. His lips go back to my jaw and down to my chest leaving a mark. He pulls off my shirt and also his shirt. He stops for a moment and walks away and I see him go to the window and shut the curtains. Good thinking, Harry.

He looks at me for a moment and I point my finger for him to come over. He jumps on the bed and with my fingertips I outline his tattoos. They fascinate me. All perfectly inked. Inked on Harry's skin. Soon enough I'm grabbing onto Harry's curls and cuss words are spread around the room.

The room feels like it's gone up 20 degrees by the time we're done making love. I turn over to see Harry and securely wrap the sheet around me. He looks at me for a moment and then gently pulls the sheet. I resist and he frowns.

"I'm just..." I mumble

"You're beautiful." he says and pulls down the sheet

We begin to kiss again but suddenly there's a knock at the door.

Who is it?

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