Chapter 15

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Alex's POV

As Niall and I get back into the car after our little "scene" at the stream and him practically forcing me to where his clothes since mine got wet I can't help but replay what happened in my mind. It was amazing. Filled with passion and almost need. But here's the thing...

I felt sparks.

Though, I don't know if he did to.

What if this "relationship" is just one of those relationships that middle schoolers have.

Or if it's just friends with benefits.. but it really isn't that since we haven't had sex yet.


What if '" yet" is not true? What if this relationship is irrelevant.

I need to stop worrying. I just had the best kiss ever with someone who is important in my life. I feel bad that I haven't spent a lot of time with my friends.

Soon I feel a hand on my thigh and Niall is flashing a smile.

" How about we both change into dry clothes and I take you out to dinner. I promise your mom won't be there. Or at least I hope she isn't" he laughs

His laugh is also a turn on.

" Alright" I smile

After 20 minutes of driving we soon pull up into my driveway.

" I'll pick you up in 30 minutes? That sound okay?" he asks

Thank God he's giving me time to get ready.

" Sounds great. I'll see you soon" I say about to walk through my front door

Soon a hand grabs my wrist and it's obviously Niall's. Soon enough I'm pulled into his chest and I can smell his minty breath.

" Okay" he says grabbing my botton lip

God bless me.

I go wide eyed and all he does is smirk and walk to his car.

After going inside I quickly take a shower and change into shorts and a plain long sleeve shirt.

I have 10 minutes till he gets there so I decide to watch TV.

Soon enough I hear the doorbell ring and see a blonde girl, who is about my age at my doorstep.

" Hello?" I question

" Hi! My name is Hannah and I'm having a party tonight. It's gonna be lots of fun. Hope you come!" she says waving

Oh this is the girl that almost every Friday night the cops come because of underage drinking and people being too crazy.

But today Wednesday. How can she have a party on a school night?

Soon enough she jogs back up to me explaining why it's tonight.

" I know your probably thinking why I'm having it tonight but tomorrow is early release and nobody will obviously go to school. Seniors especially! So I'm having it tonight!" she says finally

This will be fun.

I'm going and Niall is coming with me.

Soon enough Niall's car pulls into my driveway and he gets out looking outstanding.

" Who was that?" he questions

" Her name is Hannah. She invited us to a party that's tonight" I explain

" So no going out to dinner?" he says raising an eyebrow

" Yeah, there's already a few cars in her driveway. It's gonna be packed soon so we can go later. That's what I do" I say

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