Chapter 10

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I flop down on my bed so tired but I just woke up.

Why did he have to come?

It's not like he cares.

He just kisses me then runs away.

It always happens!

It's midnight and I can't go to sleep.

I'm so tired but he just drives me nuts!

Niall's POV




I tried! She won't listen to me!

I can't sleep. This is bugging me.

So much!

I slam my fist on the kitchen counter in frustration.

Why won't she listen to me?

It was just a kiss though. The last kiss she just brushed it off but this one she got so mad.

Was she sad?

If she's so mad does that mean she has feelings towards me?

I knew she felt sparks. I just know.

For God's Sake! I had sparks!

I can't go to sleep.

" Niall?" I hear my mom question

" Did I wake you up?" I ask

" Yes, but it's okay. Are you alright?" She says raising an eyebrow

Should I tell her? She is my mother.

She might be able to tell me advice even.

" Not really.." I trail off looking at something other than her

" Let me make some tea and we can talk about it" she says walking into the kitchen

About 5 minutes later she fills the cups and we sit in the living room.

" You know Mr. Carter's daughter?" I ask

" Yes! She's lovely!" She beams

" That's what I wanted to talk about..." I trail off

" Is there something going on between you too?" She asks

" There was a little connection but I messed up" I say

" What happened?" She asks

" Well... Last night I went to her house and I was standing outside her window and she came outside. We uhm.." I say blushing

" Kissed?" She questions

More like a make out session but sure

" Something like that" I say

" Go on" she says wanting me to continue

" Well she asks me what " we are" and I ended up running away which was stupid and I stood outside her window tonight trying to apologize but she wouldn't except it. Mom, I care about her. I know it's only been a week but I'm starting to have feelings for her. I don't know what to fucking do from this point!" I say with worry

" Niall why did you just run away?" She says

" I don't know..." I say

" I love you but that's one of the stupidest things ever!"

" I know mom"

" You want me to give you advice?" She asks

" That would be nice" I say

" Well, give her some space. It's Sunday night and your father called saying that him and Mr. Carter are flying home early. They will be back in town Tuesday. Maybe she will be at the office and you guys can talk" she says with a slight smile


Alex's POV

It's Tuesday and I believe my dad is coming home today.

It doesn't matter though.

He won't talk to me.

We never talk.

He is my dad and I am his daughter but we don't really have the closest relationship.

Finally! It's the end of the school day so I decide to come to the office to see my dad.

I'll see Sherri which is good.

I walk into the office and I see Sherri.

" Hey Sherri!" I say excitingly

" Hey girl!" She says turning around giving me a hug

" So what's new?" I ask

" Nothing much"

" Oh that's ni-" I begin to say but somebody comes through the door

It's Niall.

There's a plain expression on his face that's mixed with sadness.

He continues walking and soon he walks into Sherri's office.

" Can I talk to you?" He asks with pleading eyes grabbing my arm slightly

I don't respond

" Please?" He asks

" Fine" I whisper

I walk past him going out the door of the building and into the parking lot.

" I'm sorry Alex. I should have never walked away. It was rude of me. It won't happen ever again"

" Again?" I question

" Yes again" he says cradling my face

Seconds later he crashes his lips onto mine

" Forgive me" he says during the kiss

This kiss is dreamy.

I'm not mad anymore.

" I forgive you" I say wrapping my arms around his neck while he wraps his arms around my waist

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