Chapter 6

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Alex's POV

" It was just kiss. What's there to be sorry for? We are obviously just friends" I laugh

" Of course I know that. It was a bit rude of me though to walk out though" he says

" Well the past is the past and that wasn't a life changing thing" I say

" Exactly" he says smiling

" So why did you come pick me up instead of my dad?" I ask

" Your dad asked for me to pick you up. He had a meeting over the phone" he says looking at me

" Of course he did.." I say trailing off and rolling my eyes

My dad and I never spend time together. He's usually out of state for business trips and when he is in town he is either working, sleeping, watching tv, or at business dinners.

We don't have the closest relationship but he is my father and I love him.

We drive down the road in silence and soon we pull into the parking lot of Falcon Corporation. I'm dreading to go in there. My dad has been ignoring me, we haven't been talking, and I'm mad at him but it's life and I just have to deal with it.

When Niall and I get to the door we soon part our ways. Him about to go to the stairs and myself going to the right which leads me to my dad's office.

" Thanks for the ride" I smile at Niall

" Anytime" he says whole jogging up the stairs

I soon enter my dad's office and he is working away on his computer and I can see the stalks on his computer.

" Hey dad" I say

" Hello" he says monotone

" How was the meeting?" I ask sitting down

He quickly turns around and has a smile on his face

" Great! I actually need to go to California for an important deal. Our competitor shut down so his business went immediately to us so I need to go. I'm leaving tomorrow morning" he says still smiling

No one home. No car. I'm gonna be all alone.

" How long are you gonna be gone for?" I ask

" About 5 days. You can manage right? This is only a short period of time" he says turning around to his computer

" So I still can't have my car keys?"

This will suck if I won't have my car keys.

" Alex.. You disappointed me and you said you would get good grades. I'm not just gonna give you your keys back just because I have to go away" he says looking at me

" Well I have all my work caught up so let's go to the house" he says walking out of the office leaving me all alone

I'm walking out with no emotion because I will have nothing to do when my dad is gone.

" What's the matter?" I see Niall beside

Damn. Where did he come from?

" I'm just tired. My dad is going to Cali-"

He stops me before I can finish my sentence

" California? My dad is going to the same meeting" he says walking with me looking at my face intently

" Yeah.." I say

" Alex!" I hear my dad yell

" I'll see you soon Niall" I say

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