Chapter 12

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I would like to thank everybody for reading this fanfic! it seriously means the world to me! Make sure to tell your friends!! love you guys!

As Niall and I walk from the car I begin to get quite chilly.

Winter in Florida is quite bitter.

" Are you cold?' Niall asks with concern and is about to shrug off his jacket

" Yes, but I'm fine. We're about to walk into the restaurant anyways"  I smile

he still begins to give me his jacket.

" I insist" he smiles putting the jacket around my shoulders 

" Thanks" I say 

As soon as we walk up to the restaurant he does another lovely gesture by opening up the door.

"Thank you" 

" No problem babe" he winks

I like it when he winks..

Niall decided to take me to a fancy italian place that is magnificiantly decorated.

" 2 for Horan' Niall says 

" Right this way" a blonde slut says guiding us to our table

Right as we sit down she winks at Niall.

" I hope you enjoy" she smiles at Niall and totally ignores me

Niall just rolls his eyes at her and she walks away obviously knowing that he's not interested.

" So babe" Niall begins

"Yes" I smile

" Don't you have school tomorrow?' he asks

" Sadly yes" i roll my eyes

" I was wondering.. if you wanted to skip.. we could just go on a mini road trip" he trails off

" I would love that" i smile

" I want to tour central Florida so why not do it with my favorite girl?" he smiles taking my hand

" I'll just make sure my dad doesn't find out. Yet I really don't care" I say

" No offense but your dad scares me" he lightly laughs 

" Yeah.. he is quite intimidating" I laugh also

After a scrumptious meal that consists of chicken piccata I'm officially stuffed.

The check comes and Niall and I both reach out to get it but in the end he ends up paying for it.

As we begin to walk out the door I hear my name being called.

By a voice that I haven't heard in so long and I haven't missed.

Niall's POV

As we were walking to the door I hear Alex's name being called and Alex obviously did too.

She just stands there frozen.

" Alex? Are you okay?" I asks

But before I could get a respond the voice that called Alex's name came closer.

It belonged to a woman who was walking towards us.

" Alex! I haven't seen you in ages!" the blonde haired woman goes and hugs Alex 

Yet Alex doesn't hug back, she just stands there. It almost seems like she's in shock.

" C'mon Alex.. hug your mother back! I haven't seen you since you were 13? 14?" the woman laughs

" Yeah.." Alex says not making any eye contact with this woman

Soon the woman looks towards me flashing a smile that honestly scares me.

" Hi! I'm Alex's mom!" she says going to shake my hand

" Hello" I say but looking at Alex who is just focusing on the wall

~ Flashback~

" We should head back in so that nosey receptionist doesn't bombard us with questions" I say sarcastically

" Hey! She's like a mom to me!" she says nudging my shoulder

" I bet your mom isn't as nosey as her! But hey, when do I get to meet this lovely lady?" I ask smiling

Her smile fades


It all makes sense to me.

Something in the past happened between Alex and her mother.

Did her mom leave her and Mr. Carter?

Did she cheat on Mr. Carter?

What did she do?

" Alex.. I don't know if you still have my number but if not here's my number. We need some girl time together" the woman smiles giving Alex a piece of paper

What the fuck? Just a moment ago that woman said she hasn't seen her fucking daughter since she was 13 or 14 years old! Alex turns 18 tuesday!

i see Alex getting more uncomfortable by the moment and she snatches the paper from her mom's hand.

" C'mon Alex, lets go. It was nice meeting you " I say while wrapping my arm around Alex's waist


During the car ride it's silent. Alex has her head against the window deep in thought.

Just when we stop at a stop light that's when it happens.

Alex starts sobbing.

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