Chapter 24

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The next morning I wake up and it's already noon.

"Shit" I mutter to myself

I make my way to the kitchen and pour me some cheerios and a glass of milk. I then take my painkillers. They're working I guess. It's only been a few days since the accident and I'm feeling better which is a good sign. After I eat it's 12:15 and I hurry to the shower. I think to myself in the shower about what questions Keirstyn and Emma are gonna ask me and I pray to God that they won't see that hickey.

As soon as I get out of the shower I blow dry my hair and then straighten it. I put on exercise shorts and a plain blue American Eagle shirt on. I put my brace back on and lay down on my bed. It's 12:45 when I check my phone so I have 15 minutes to spare. I spend 10 minutes of that time making sure my hickey isn't noticeable and brushing my teeth. Soon I hear a car horn which alerts me that Emma and Keirstyn are here.

I crutch my way down the stairs and I see my dad is reading his "Times" magazine.

"Emma and Keirstyn are here" he says

" I'm hanging out with them today, is that alright?" I ask

"Yeah sure" he says

My dad opens the door for me and I crutch my way to Emma's Honda Prius.

"Hey!" Keirstyn and Emma say excitingly

"Hey!" I say back equally excited

The car ride was basically filled with music on the radio playing and talking about Emma's Paris experience and such. Soon we pull up to Emma's house and Emma helps me out of the car. As soon as I walk through the door Emma's mom bombards me with a handful of questions about why I'm injured.

"I was in a car accident. A guy hit me my side of the car" I say

"Oh my God! Well if you need anything just ask!" she says and hugs me

"Thank you" I smile and walk with Keirstyn and Emma to Emma's bedroom

Soon we start watching "Clueless" which is one of my favorite movies. I see Emma looking at me very closely.

Please don't see my hickey.

If so then don't say anything.

Soon she pauses the movie.

"Why'd you pause the movie?" Keirstyn whines

"So Alex, how's lover boy?" Emma says and cocks an eyebrow

"He's great" I say

"Are you guys doing alright?" Emma asks

Maybe she didn't notice my hickey and is just asking a polite question.

"We're doing just fine" I smile

"That's great. That's an lovely nice hickey you got there by the way" she says

Immediately Keirstyn snaps her head towards me.

"What?" Keirstyn screeches

Great, just great.

I begin to blush.

Soon Emma comes towards me and tucks my hair behind my ear so Keirstyn can see.

"Alex!" Keirstyn slightly yells

"It was an accident!" I say

"Have you guys done it yet?" Emma asks

"No!" I yell

It becomes silent

"Can we talk about something else?" I ask

"We can talk about lover boy but if you want we won't talk about that mark on you neck" Keirstyn smirks

"Fine" I huff

"So I hear that he's irish?" Emma questions

"Yeah, and his dad is a sales manager at Falcon Corporation" I say

"Is that how you met Niall? At one of those lame dinner parties?" Emma asks

"Yeah" I smile

"Are you guys dating?" Emma asks

"Yeah, I guess" I say

"I think we should talk about Keirstyn and Harry's relationship" I say while smirking

"What?" Emma screeches

After 30 minutes of talking about their relationship and Emma stating that she will be forever alone we go back to watching Clueless.

After watching 3 movies and realizing that I'm suppose to spend the night so I had to borrow Emma's clothes I realize another thing.

I need my phone charger.

"I don't have my phone charger and I have a different phone than you guys" I say

"You don't need your phone. We will be doing stuff to keep us occupied" Emma says

"What if my dad calls?" I say

"Tell him tomorrow that your phone was dead which is the truth" Keirstyn adds

"Alright" I say and throw my phone on the beanbag in Emma's room

Niall's POV

"Greg!" I greet my brother as he walks in with his wife and son

"Niall!" Greg says and hugs me

"How ya been?" Greg asks

"Absolutely great!" I say cheerfully

After the whole evening of watching a football match with Greg and Denise, Theo, and my parents going shopping, which Greg and I declined the offer of going because we wanted to watch the match... I decide to call Alex.

It goes straight to voicemail.

I frown when I hear the beep go off that I could leave a message but I just hang up.

"So I hear you have a girlfriend?" Greg questions

"Yeah, who told you?" I smile but I'm still curious

"Mom" he says and takes a sip of his beer

"Of course she did" I laugh

"Did you just try to call her?" he questions

"She didn't answer and she isn't responding to my messages" I say

"Maybe she's at a friend's house and her phone went dead. Anything could have happen" she says

"She could be in trouble.. or hurt" I mutter

"Yeah, I heard she got into a car crash" Greg says

"Sadly. I was so worried" I frown

"Do you love her?" Greg says and cocks an eyebrow

"I do" I reply with a smile plastered on my face

He smiles along

"Have you guys said it yet?" he asks

"Yes" I say and smile bigger

"Make sure to use protection! I don't want to be an uncle yet!" Greg laughs loudly and walks into the kitchen

"Shut the hell up!" I yell back but I laugh along

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