Chapter 42

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Alex’s POV

I stay cuddled up in Niall’s arm for a long time. My mind is filled up with things but I just can’t think. Too many things are jumbled up and I’m stressed. I look up to see if Niall was sleeping and he’s sound asleep. How was I blessed to have a boyfriend like him? He’s the only constant in my life. He encourages me and is always there for me. He loves me. He truly loves me. I have other people that love me but not in that way. My family loves me but in a family way and you’re suppose to love all of your family. My friends love me but in a friendly way. But with Niall it’s different. He loves every part of me. He knows almost every part of me. When I don’t love myself, he’s there to do it. He’s wonderful.

I begin to place kisses all over his face and he soon wakes up with a bright smile. I love absolutely everything about him and especially his smile. His smile makes me smile.

“Hey, babe” he says and kisses my nose

“Hi” I giggle and kiss his lips

There’s soon a knock on the door and we both groan. I don’t want to talk to anybody right now. I just want to be with Niall.

I get out of bed and lazily walk to the door to see my dad dressed in a suit. He has a frown on his face and Austin is standing right next to him.

“Hey dad” I yawn

“Are you feeling okay? Austin said you were sick” my dad says

I look at Austin who has his head down trying to avoid eye contact with me.

“I’m feeling a bit better but I’m still not feeling the best” I say

It’s true. I woke up not feeling the best. I still have a headache and my stomach hurts a bit.

“Well, I’m going to a meeting right now but I just wanted to check up on you. Love you” my dad says and walks away

Austin just stands there still not making eye contact with me.

“Are you just going to stand there or what?” I snap

“Well then” Austin snaps and walks into the room

“I never said you could co-“ I begin but Austin interrupts me

“Was I interrupting something?” Austin smirks and looks at Niall and I

“If your going to be an asshole then you might as well leave” I say

“I came here to say sorry for snapping at you” Austin frowns and sits in the chair by the desk

“Apology excepted” I smile

“Well, I’m going to go now. Ya’ll have fun” Austin says and walks out the room

Before I know it I feel arms wrap around my waist and kisses on my neck. Niall starts to tickle me.

“Stop!” I giggle uncontrollably

Niall lifts me up and places me on the bed and continues to tickle me.

“I’m hungry” he laughs

“I’ll order room service if you stop tickling me!” I laugh

He stops tickling me and gives me another one of his bright smiles.

“What do you want?” I ask and pick up the phone

“Chicken tenders… fries… and a coke!” Niall says

I say Niall’s order through the phone and I am told the food will be delivered to my room in 30 minutes.

“Are you going to get anything?” Niall questions

“I’m not gonna get anything. I’m not hungry” I say and crawl back into bed

“Alex, you need to eat” Niall frowns and crawls back into bed

“I have a stomachache” I mumble

“If you give me a kiss then I’ll save you some leftovers” Niall says and nuzzles into my neck

I roll my eyes playfully and give him a kiss on the lips.

Soon I feel myself dozing off…

Niall’s POV

I soon see that Alex is asleep. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps. There’s soon a knock at the door and Alex stirs in her sleep. I don’t want to wake her up. She needs the sleep. I walk over the door and see a woman with a plate of food.

“Here’s the money, don’t charge it to the room” I say and grab the food

“Thanks, have a nice day” the woman says

I place the food down on the desk and begin to eat the food. I look at Alex the whole time. Her hair is sprawled all around the pillows and her lips are slightly parted. Soon my phone starts to ring.

Incoming call from Greg

I decide to answer but I walk into the bathroom so I don’t wake Alex up.

“Hey” I say into the phone

“Niall!” Greg says excitingly


“Denise and I are moving to the United States!” Greg says happily

“Really? That’s great!”

“It really is! How’s Vegas?”

“It’s… okay” I trail off

“You guys having problems?” Greg questions

“Well, not Alex and I. Just Alex drank too much at a club last night and some things happen. She’s sleeping right now actually” I say

“Eh, she’s just taking advantage of that fake ID”

“How did you know we got fake IDs?” I laugh

“I actually just guessed. When I was 16 I got one to go to a pub with some college kids. Remember when I came home hammered?” Greg laughs

“Oh yeah, I remember it!” I laugh

“Well, Theo just woke up from his nap and I need to check up on the little guy. I’ll talk to you later”

The phone call ended and I check the time to see it’s already 6:00 at night. Alex is still sleeping but should I wake her? If she sleeps too late then she won’t go to sleep tonight. I see Alex stirring in her sleep and mumbling a few words.

“No, no, no , NO!” she cries

I automatically rush to her side and shake her shoulders to wake her up.

“Alex! Wake up!” I say

Her eyes blink open and I see the fear in them.

“Are you okay?” I ask and rub my thumb across her cheek

“I’m fine. I just had a bad dream. Can you get me some water?” she asks and I automatically get her a bottle water from the mini fridge

“I don’t feel too good” she says and rushes to the bathroom

She’s sick.



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