Chapter 71

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Alex's POV

"Do you think he's going to come home tonight?" I ask Keirstyn

I've been on the phone with Keirstyn for the past hour talking about Niall. Where is he? Soon enough there's a knock at the door and rush over to answer it. It could be Niall! He might have forgotten his key and that's why he's knocking.

"Alex! It's Harry! Open up!" Harry yells

What's he doing here?

"I'm coming! Chill out!" I say and

"I gotta go keirstyn. I'll call you later tonight." I say and hang up the phone

I rush to the door and see Harry and Niall. Niall looks very rough and Harry looks furious. Harry comes in the door and drags Niall behind him.

"Sit down!" Harry says harshly to Niall

"What's happening here?" I say gently

"I think Niall should explain that!" Harry turns and faces Niall

Niall looks at me with sorrow in his eyes. Oh God. What did he do?

"Alex. I didn't mean it at all. It meant nothing." Niall cries

"Start from the beginning asshole!" Harry orders

Niall gives me a pleading look. He looks so vulnerable.

"Niall, what's he talking about?"

"I went to a bar...." he says

"And?" I egg him on

"I didn't mean it!" he sobs

"Harry?" I look at him

He's still mad.

"He cheated on you! He had sex with another woman and outside of the bar was making out with her!"

I become numb with just those words. I've never been cheated on. Never. I look at the wall. I can't process anything. A flashback of Niall and I come across my mind. We were so happy. Now what he has done will destroy everything. What did she look like? What's her name? Is she prettier? Yet, I don't want to know those things.

The next feeling that comes along is anger. Anger for him doing that. Anger for him cheating on me. Anger that I'll have to tell his family. Anger for absolutely everything!

"Alex?" Harry and Niall call my name

I see Niall stand up and walk towards me. Watch it Horan. I'm mad. SO mad.

"Alex, baby," Niall begins

"Baby?" I push at his chest

"Really? Baby?" I push at his chest again

"Alex..." Niall says

"I hate you! I hate you so much! Was it nice? Was it better than me!" I yell and push him against the wall

"No! Fuck! I wasn't even thinking!"

"You're such a...." I raise my hand to slap him and he flinches

I soon feel arms around my waist and they pull me away. I start crying. Sobbing actually.

"He's an asshole. It's okay, Alex." Harry whispers in my ear

I nod and cry even more. If that's even possible. I see Niall walk over to us and opens his arms.

"We can resolve this, Alex." he says gently but I can tell he's having a hard time even believing himself

I reach out of Harry's grasp. I walk over to Niall and he looks at me with hopeful eyes.

Why do I still love him like crazy?

I throw the ring at his chest. Not even caring anymore.

"Get out of here now." I say harshly

He sadly nods and walks out the door.

Before he closes the door he says the words that sting the most.

"I love you so much. Forgive me one day."

And with that he is gone.

I look at Harry. He has sorrow in his eyes. He's no longer angry. He's sad. Sad that his best friend got her heartbroken.

"Oh come here Alex." he says and opens his arms

I run into his arms and crying. He says calming things to settle me down but they just don't work.

"Hey," he whispers and looks in my eyes

"It hurts, Harry. I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest." I silently say

He looks at my lips for a moment.

"He's no good, Alex." he whispers and connects his lips with mine

He's kissing me like I'm so fragile I'm going to break. Tears fall from my eyes. I'm kissing Harry. The boy I've known since I was eight. The boy that I met when he moved right across the street from me. The boy that I think is dating my best friend. We're kissing.

Niall's POV

Where can I go? I'm violently sobbing. This isn't good. Why did I have to do that? Why! How could I be so stupid? Before I know it I'm pulling into my parent's driveway. I'll be coming in when all of them are probably relaxing. I'll be sobbing and they'll be terrified.

I walk up to the front door and it's unlocked. I'm still crying and calling myself names that I shouldn't say.

Everybody is in the dining room watching a movie until I come in. My mom looks horrified and immediately comes rushing over to me.

"Heavens sake! What happened!" she exclaims

"I did something stupid, mom." I cry

"Oh God." she says

Greg pours me a glass of water and sits it in front of me. Everybody is around me and curious on what I'm going to say.

"You guys are gonna hate me." I say

"No we won't!" Denise says

"I cheated on Alex." I cry

I look up and see everybody looking at each other.

"Guys?" I ask

"Why? Just why?" Greg asks angrily

"I was at a bar and we had just gotten into a fight and..."

"That doesn't mean anything! Denise and I got into a fight about something and I didn't go and cheat on her!" Greg yells

"What do I do?" I whimper

I just whimpered. What the actual hell.

"I don't know..." Greg says

"She threw the ring at me." I mumble

Nobody says anything. Nothing.

I walk to my bedroom and plop down on my bed and cry. Is she crying now? Is Harry still with her?

Alex's POV

"Harry, we can't do this." I say

He kisses my lips once more and lies down next to me. I can't believe we've been kissing. This is so wrong. Guilt rises up in me. He's my best friend. This can't happen.

We're in my bed. The bed Niall and I use to share. That won't happen again and it hurts.

"Everything is going to be okay. I'll make sure of it." he says and soon towers over me

"Promise?" I whisper

"Promise." he says and takes off his shirt

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