Chapter 56

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Alex's POV

He got down on one knee with a perfect diamond ring in his hands. Here I am standing in shock with a smile on my face.

"Alex?" Niall says and I'm knocked out of my trance

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I exclaim

Niall stands up and slips the ring on my finger. He crashes his lips onto mine and I immediately respond and kiss him like crazy. I have the biggest adrenaline rush right now. I wrap my arms around his neck and he places his hands on my hips. I begin to smile. I always forgive him so easily but this is the end. We're engaged. I'm 18 and I'm engaged. My whole family would disagree but I don't care. I'm getting married.

We stop kissing and he nuzzles his head in the crook of my neck.

"The past is the past. Everything will go smoothly from now on" I whisper into his ear

He kisses my shoulder and nods. I pick up his chin and stare into his bright eyes. He leans his forehead against mine and starts smiling.

"I can't wait to see you in a wedding dress, I can't wait to see you walking down the aisle. I can't wait to say my vows to you. I can't wait for all of this" Niall rambles on and I can't help to smile like an idiot

"Wanna get some actual food? Those sweets didn't cover me long" Niall asks while laughing

"Sure" I say and peck his lips

He grabs my hand we walk down the street to a sports bar. It might be bar food but Niall wants to watch some derby. I call it soccer but he calls it football. He thinks football is correct but when he says stuff like that I just playfully roll my eyes.

While eating dinner, the conversation between us to was all about high school. I begin to tell him about when I was a junior I went to a senior party. That party was absolutely terrible. I was too drunk to function and ended up smoking pot. Thank the Lord for Harry telling everybody to "fuck off''. I'm not a pot head or anything. I don't do drugs or anything. It was a relief and though. I was almost 17 at the time.

"You? You smoked pot?" Niall laughs

"Don't bring it up!" I blush and hide my face in my hands

"Seems hot though" I hear Niall say and I look up to see him smirking

"Seriously?" I chuckle

"C'mon, isn't it cool to see smoke come out of you? It's actually good for the body too" Niall laughs

"Oh so you're wanting me to smoke pot?" I raise an eyebrow

"Aye, why not? Or are you too scared?" Niall smirks and takes a sip of his beer

"I'm not scared" I mumble

"Let's make a bet" Niall says

"Alright. Shoot" I say

"Tonight, if we don't find a joint of pot or anything then I get to whatever I want to you tonight" Niall grins

Jesus Christ.

"Fine" I roll my eyes and take a sip of my coke

"Sassy, I see"

"All the time"


"Hey, we're in the ghetto" Niall laughs loudly

"Shut up! I don't feel like getting mugged!" I say and slap his arm

We turn around the corner and Niall starts to smirk.

"Why are you smirking?" I ask

"Nothing" he chuckles

"Tell me!" I beg and cuddle into him

"I'm just thinkin of the things I'm gonna do to you tonight" he lightly laughs

"I'm going to do it! I'm going to prove you wrong!" I exclaim

"Alright, I think there's a guy up there" Niall says

It's not like I'll get caught. It's okay to get high a few times!

Alright Alex...

I feel like I shouldn't be doing this but then I don't.

Before I know it Niall and I are walking up to a middle aged man. Niall starts talking to the man and I just look at the sky that filled with stars. It's a little awkward.

"Ready Alex?" Niall says and knocks me out of my trance

"Did you get it?" I ask shyly

"A few pounds too" Niall says cheekily

What if we get addicted to it? What if this shit leads up to more stuff. I don't want to turn out like Jim Morrison's girl friend and him. Oh God no. No, no, no. I want a good future. Why am I reacting like this? It's just marijuana.

We catch a cab and we soon are at the house. I unlock the house and Niall rushes in the house and sets the things on the table.

"Damn, what's the rush?" I ask

"I honestly don't know" Niall laughs

"First, I have to roll it so hold up" I huff but I start to smile

I sit on the couch and Niall sits next to me and starts smirking at me.

"Light it up, Alex" Niall eggs on

"Fine" I roll my eyes

I breathe it in and soon breathe it out. I feel so at ease. I feel myself craving more.

"Ya miss it?" Niall asks

I don't even respond I just continue and play on the phone and smoke.

"Hey, share some with me" Niall says and lights some up


I wake up with Niall's arm around me and we're laying on the couch. I'm under him and I need to get up. I feel sweaty and I need a glass of water.

"Niall, get up" I mumble and push him off

"Fine" he says and rolls onto the ground. I kick him with my foot and playfully flips me off with a laugh.

I stand by the fridge in a daze. Memories from last night come flowing back and I begin to smile. I could get use to this feeling. I still feel high. I know we were up till 2am smoking and it's 10am. I feel at peace.

Niall's arms snake around my waist and he starts to kiss my neck.

"Last night was so good, Alex" he says with a raspy voice and picks me up on the kitchen counter

"So good" I whisper

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