Chapter 43

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“Babe, you okay?” I say and walk into the bathroom

I see her crouched by the toilet throwing up. I walk to her and hold her hair. While doing that I rub her back.

“I’m sick” she mumbles

“Yeah, I can see” I lightly laugh

“I don’t even know why I’m sick” she groans

“I’m going to go to the gift shop to buy a thermometer. I need to see if you have a fever” I say and grab a hotel key

This will fucking suck. We have a few more days in Vegas and who knows how long she’ll be sick? But I will defiantly be taking care of her.

I get off the elevator and head to the gift shop. I search for the thermometers when I come across two.

Number 1 in the U.S!


Preferred by doctors!

What the fuck is the difference? I guess there is some type. I grab the cheapest one which is the ‘preferred by doctors’ one.

“Is that all today?” the old woman cash register asks

“Yeah” I say and pull out 5 dollars

“I hope whoever your buying this for feels better” she smiles and hands me the thermometer

“Thanks, it’s for my girlfriend” I smile

“Well I hope she feels better. Have a nice day” she says

“Thank you” I say and walk off to the elevators

Alex’s POV

I feel like I’m about to pass out. I grip onto the bathroom counter and I try to keep myself from falling. My legs feel numb and my vision is getting blurry. Soon I hear a door open and I see Niall come into the bathroom.

“Alex what’s wrong?” he says frantically and grabs my arm

“I might pass out” I mumble and feel my legs buckle

I feel arms wrap around my waist and carry me to the bed.

“I bought a thermometer” Niall says and pulls out it

He takes my temperature and a see a frown on his face.

“Your temperature is 102. You need to rest, babe” he says

“I feel like I’m going to pass out” I mumble

“I’m going to get you a cold rag and I’m always going to be by your side” he says

Before I know it everything turns black.


When I wake up all I can see is the alarm clock all the way across the room. Everything is pitch black dark. There’s no lights on.  I feel something at the end of the bed and turn on the lamp to see what it is. It’s Niall.

“Niall, wake up” I croak

He bolts up and looks at me with sleepy eyes.

“You okay, babe?” he asks and grabs my hand

“I have a headache and my stomach hurts. I don’t know why I’m sick” I say

I freeze for a moment.


My bedroom.

Day before we left for Vegas.

“N-niall” I stutter

“What’s wrong?” he cocks a eyebrow

“The day before we left for Vegas you did use protection, right?” I quickly say

Please say yes.

“Fuck of course I did. I’m not ready to be a father” he lightly laughs

“Jesus Christ, that scared me for a second” I say and

“Maybe this is one of the side effects of what was slipped in your drink” Niall says while avoiding eye contact with me

“I feel like absolute shit” I mumble

Niall takes my temperature and apparently it has gone down 2 degrees.

“It’s 10:00pm. Do you want to watch TV or are you tired?” he asks me

“I’m not tired. How long did I sleep for?” I ask

“About 3 hours. I sat by the bed to make sure you were okay and then I fell asleep” he says and I watch the way his mouth moves

His red lips and his thick irish accent. I really wish I could kiss him right now.

“I wish I could kiss you right now” I blurt out while he is searching for something to watch on TV

I see him smirk. The usual Niall smirk.

“Is that right, ole sport?” he smirks

“Quoting from Great Gatsby I see?” I laugh

“Of course, ole sport” he laughs

“I love your laugh” I smile

“I like yours too” he smiles

“I also like your blue eyes” I say

“I like yours too. They change different shades of blue. Like when your happy, they’re bright blue. When your sad, they are grey. When you’ve been crying your eyes are bloodshot and they’re like bright blue but grey. I like it when your happy, ole sport” he says and scoots closer to me

“But when you’re being sassy, they are dark blue” he laughs

“Wow, that last part was really sincere” I giggle

His head nuzzles into my neck and says the words that send chills down my spine.

“I really can’t wait for the next time when we make love” he says with his deep accent

“I honestly can’t either but I don’t need you to get sick so that might be awhile” I say

“I’ll make sure you aren’t sick for long” he winks

“Sounds good, ole sport” I laugh and lean against my pillow

“Hey! That’s my thing!” he says playfully

“Now it’s mine!” I giggle

“I’m so close to tickling you” he says and scoots closer to me


Soon there’s a knock at the door.

“Who is it?” Niall yells

“It’s Austin!” Austin yells

Niall gets up and goes to the door to open it.

“How’s the little brat?” Austin says sarcastically and puts a bottle of tylenol on the night stand

“Shut up and I’m feeling somewhat better” I say

“Well your lucky as fuck. Since you’re sick you don’t have to go to a dinner party tonight but I have to!” Austin groans

“Sucks for you. What type of food will it be?” I ask

“I don’t know. I’ll just drink some champagne but I wont get drunk like you” Austin laughs and I hear Niall laugh

“Hey, I was in the mood for it!”

“You and alcohol don’t mix at all” Austin says and hands me the tylenol

“Thanks, I’ll remember that next time” I say sarcastically and begin to take the medicine

I’m about to throw up again.

I run to the bathroom and shut the door.

I hate being sick.

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