Chapter 21

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As soon as we heard the front door open Niall automatically gets off of me.

He soon bends down and kisses me lightly on the lips and I smile.

He's just so perfect.

Soon I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and I start to worry.

It's too early for my dad to get home and school hasn't gotten out yet.

Soon the door opens and my friend, Emma stands at the door.

"Alex! Are you okay?" Emma says and rushes towards me

Emma is one of my best friends but she signed up as a foreign exchange student so she went to Paris for a month.

"I'm fine. When did you get back from Paris?" I ask and try to hug her

"This morning. Keirstyn told me and I rushed over here" she says sitting on my bed.

Soon she recognizes Niall and smirk.

"Hey, I'm Emma. It's nice to meet you" Emma says joyfully

"Same to you. I'm Niall" Niall smiles

Soon Emma's phone rings and she walks out of the room to answer.

"We should continue what we started" Niall says winking

"We should.... Maybe when I'm not badly injured" I say with a slight laugh

"No.. It will be soon" Niall says smirking

Before I can respond Emma walks back into the room.

"I wish I could stay longer but my mom wants me to spend time with her. Text me later" Emma says walking out of my room

As soon as the front door closes Niall is soon next to me kissing me.

"What do you want to do?" he asks kissing my neck

We could do more things if I didn't have broken ribs and a broken arm. Also a sprained ankle...

"There's not much I can do" I mumble

"We could watch a movie" he says

He soon releases from kissing my neck and has a lazy smile plastered on his face.

"Chick flick?" I ask while giggling

"God no" he laughs

"Okay, so what?" I ask

"The Great Gatsby?" he says raising an eyebrow

"I love that movie. You like it?" I ask

"I love the book and the movie" he says putting the CD in the TV

My favorite quote from the movie is

"And in the end, we were all just humans, drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal brokenness"

That quote is so true. About everybody wants to find love, especially girls. They dream of a guy that will keep her safe and love her for the rest of her life. Also to create memories with.

Sadly, some people don't always find the love of their life.

Soon it's around 5:00 and the movie ends.

"I think it's time for me to leave. I need to be home for dinner" Niall says getting up


"Alright, also I never got your number after all this" I smile

He hands me his phone signaling me to put my number in and I do.

"I'll text you" he says and waves at me then walks out the door

After Niall leaves my dad walks through the front door.

"Hey honey" my dad says

"Hey dad" I say

"What do you want for dinner?" he asks

"It doesn't matter. I'm not really hungry"

"I need to talk to you Alex" my dad says

"What about?" I ask

"Niall" he says


"What about him?" I ask shifting my body but I wince

"You guys aren't dating right?" he asks

I guess not..

"No" I say

"Okay" he says looking at the floor

Alright then.

It's silent for a few minutes.

"Mom came by" I say

"That's nice" he says

"Yeah..." I say

While my dad eats some type of pasta I just sit there drinking a diet coke.

"I'm going to bed early. Love you" my dad says walking to his bedroom

"Goodnight" I say

I crutch myself to my bedroom and lay down on my bed.

I've been feeling so tired today. I guess it's because of the meds.

Before I know it I'm falling fast asleep..


I suddenly wake up to my phone ringing and it's an unknown number. I decide to answer it though.

"Hello?" I say groggily

"Alex?" I hear an irish accent

His voice is my favorite sound...

"Oh hey" I say

"What are you doing?" he asks

"Nothing much" I say

I was sleeping but talking to you is much better...

"I was wondering if we could hang out tomorrow. I could take you some place" Niall says

"That sounds great" I say and even though he can't see it, I'm smiling

"What time should I pick you up?" he asks

"2:30?" I ask

"Sounds great. Goodnight Alex" he says

"Goodnight" I say

Niall's POV

Tomorrow I'll confess my feelings towards her.

For the love of God, I hope she feels the same way.

When she agreed that I could take her out I try to pick out placesI could take her.

I could find a lake or something. Somewhere quiet would be nice.

I can't stop smiling and soon when I walk into the kitchen to grab me a soda my mom realizes I'm smiling.

"What's with the big grin?" she asks

"Nothing" I say and walk away

I go to bed thinking of ways that I could say "I love you" or where I'm gonna take her.

I think of tomorrow.

I think of that beautiful girl that always clouds my thoughts.

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