Chapter 1

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Alex's POV

"Alex!" My dad yells from the living room. I immediately put my book down and go to the living room.

" Yes?"

" There's a managers meeting tonight so we need to leave around 6:30. It starts at 7."

" Dad, you didn't even tell me about this. I already made plans to go to the movies."

" Well I'm sorry but you have to cancel them. I hired a new sales manager named Bobby Horan. He's bringing his family and maybe he has a daughter your age that you can become friends with"

He doesn't even make eye contact with me. He just watches Fox News which talks about Obama.

I check the time and it's already 5:30. Ugh

" Well I'm gonna get ready" I muttered and trudged down to my room.

To Keirstyn:

Hey, I can't come to the movies tonight. There's a stupid managers meeting and I have to go.

From Keirstyn:

That sucks! Well, we'll miss you!

I plug in my straightener and try to avoid to burn my face just like a week ago when I did.


I look down at the time and it's 6:26

" Alex! It's time to leave!" My dad yells

I grab my phone and look at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing a purple dress that goes down mid thigh with black sandals. I look pretty tonight in my opinion.

My dad and I jump into the car and before I know it we're driving down the road.

" So dad what's this Bobby guy like?" I ask

" He's very smart. He graduated from one of the best colleges in the UK. He studied business and math. I looked at his résumé and I was very impressed!" My dad says joyfully.

The rest of the ride is silence and I think my dad knows that I don't really want to be here. He knows that I want to be with my friends.

We eventually pull up to the restaurant

"Sky" which is actually one of my favorite restaurants. I jump out of the car and hurry to the elevator and press the button for 6. The restaurant is in a hotel so it's on the top floor.

As soon as the door opens my jaw drops.

I see a blonde boy that has ocean blue eyes wearing a navy blue suit with a white button up shirt underneath.

" Mr. Carter!" A middle aged man joyfully walks over to my dad.

" Bobby!" Just as joyfully and my dad and Bobby shake hands.

" Bobby, I would like you to meet my daughter Alex" My dad introduces me

" It's nice to meet you" I shake his hand and smile at him.

" Same to you miss" he says joyfully

I guess he is just always joyful or it's his inner Irish.

" Alex, this is my son Niall" Bobby introduces me to his "son"

" Hello love" Niall smirks

" H-Hello"


I stuttered.

I never stutter

Maybe it's because I'm mesmerized by his attractiveness.


Soon the rest of the managers pile in and the whole restaurant is basically crowded. Everybody is being social.

Just not me.

I eventually am introduced to Bobby's wife who is just lovely.

After that 5 minutes of chatting I go back to my original spot in one of the booths and text Keirstyn.

My best friends were Keirstyn, Emma, Nick, and Harry. Emma, Nick, and I thought there was something going on between Keirstyn and Harry but when we brought it up they would just blush and change the topic.

To: Keirstyn

I'm bored here. I have nothing to do.

Before I could send the message I feel a presence beside me.

Oh look who it is.

Niall Horan.

" You look bored so I thought I would keep you some company. Though to be honest, I'm bored as hell too" he says


that accent.

" Thanks" I smile at him

It's silent for a few minutes and so I break the ice.

" So how do you like America?" I blurt

" I've only been here for a 2 days and I already love it" he flashes a smile

See, I live in Florida and it's a wonderful state to live in. I also love America.

" That's good" I silently reply

Through out the rest of the dinner I learned about Niall. He's 20, he plays soccer but he thinks the real word for soccer is football. I giggled when he told me that. He seems nice.

" Niall! It's time to leave!" Niall's mom called out for him

" Are you gonna be at the office tomorrow?"

He quickly asks

" I think so" I smile

" Well, I'll see you then" he smiles then walks away with his mom.

" Alex! C'mon it's time to go home." My dad calls out


" So are you and that boy friends?" My dad asks while driving.

" I guess, he seems nice" I say

" Well, that's how it will stay"

" What?" I say questionably

" Ya'll are young" my dad says bluntly

" Okay? we're also just friends and it's gonna be like that"

My dad nods and just nods.

We will just be friends. Right?


First chapter!:)

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