Chapter 47 - The Heaven's Proposal (Lemon)

Start from the beginning

"Oh Ember, there you are. Still going over the notes? Cob is waiting for us." Fuegoleon's voice breaks my ruminating thoughts and all three of us look over to see him making his way through the door way. "Mimosa, thank you again for helping Leo today." The lion says as he comes to stand next to me and across from Mimosa. She smiles again.

"Ah~ it's no problem really. They're just so adorable. Plus Leo told me Asta was pretty good with them." I swear she looks like she just entered a daydream as she mentions Asta and babies. But I brush it aside.

"Either way, you have my thanks. Come on Ember, we best be on our way." Fuegoleon tells me, prompting us to say our last goodbyes to the girls. We then take our leave and head out to the royal courtyard where Cob Portaport awaits us. He was gracious enough to create a portal to the Gravito Stones lake, as he had been there before as part of the Royal Knights. He would not be joining us there though, as he had other duties to attend to that day. We were given a communicator to contact him when we were ready to come back.

When we walk through the portal's opened golden doors, the sight of what awaits us makes me stop dead in my tracks. There's a huge ass crater in front of us. It's so big that it must have been where the lake was before the battle. A good portion of the forest surrounding it has been incinerated as well. Especially the eastern side, there's a giant section where everything is missing, Despite it being broad daylight, I don't hear the sound of birds or other forest animals. It's like there was a blast so large that it evaporated the entire lake and blasted through the forest at the same time. Without the lake, the food chain for this region is forever changed.

It takes a minute or two for the grand scale of things to wear off of me. When it does the shock from the damage is replaced by an intense new feeling. This place has a weird atmosphere about it due to the high concentration of mana. But that's not what I'm feeling. Instead it's a feeling of sorrow, betrayal and anger from many unique beings. They aren't alive though, I can tell they're stuck as spirits, unwilling to move on.

"Hm. It seems like Cob was able to put us right where we needed to be. We can get started right away then." Fuegoleon says stepping to the edge of the crater. He looks out, taking in the damage before him as well. A small roar is heard behind us as Salamander takes to the skies by itself in a voyage of exploration. I join Fuegoleon's side, but instead of looking out at the horizon, I'm looking down at the bottom of the crater. It's surprisingly clean. I would have expected more rotting fish carcasses to litter the bottom, but they must have all been incinerated during the blast.

"Righty-o. Let's get this party started I guess." I exclaim, moving forward over the crater's edge and towards the bottom. It's a steep slope and I slide down the majority of the way there. Fuegoleon stays at the top of the crater, choosing to watch both me and Salamander from afar. Humming to myself I head to the center of the crater. The sooner I finish up here, the sooner we can get back to our girls. Standing in my desired location I look around. This lake must have been huge and home to lots of animals. I can barley make out Fuegoleon's figure at the top and Salamander is but a mere speck in the sky now. I reach above my head, stretching. Afterwards I stand tall, bring my elbows into my side while my hands are out in front of me like I'm holding a tray. The right palm is facing upwards towards the sky while the left one is facing downwards towards the earth. I take a deep calming breath, grounding myself even more.

Slowly my senses are heightened, as I feel the souls collect around me. When I first arrived I could only sense their general presence, like a fog over the land. But the longer I stay here the more clear each one is. Each unique soul is a different color, a different shape, a different feel about it. But the thing that ties them all together is they're all criminals who were duped by the Midnight Sun. Their anger is what holds them back here.

Distant Worlds ~ A Black Clover Story (Fuegoleon Vermillion X OC)Where stories live. Discover now