First I love you's

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"Finally come to apologise-" He started but couldn't finish because you cupped his cheeks and kissed him, he dropped the tea towel he'd been using and he moved his hands into your hair and you smiled into the kiss, pulling away and biting your lip.
"I love you Y/N..." You giggled a little, standing up and kissing him again,
"I love you too Fred Weasley." You were too much in a trance to notice you weren't alone in the kitchen, Molly, Bill and Charlie were all there looking at you, mouths hanging open for a second. 


And I don't know how I would even start...if I could tell her

"What are we even doing George?" You asked getting out of his dorm bed, you were getting changed into some of his clothes. 

"I thought that was obvious." He answered looking at you, you'd started hanging out together years ago but on your fifth year at Hogwarts it started to develop into something more, you would spend more alone time together, hanging out, making out, having sex but there were no attachments. No dates, no I love you's, nothing. Friends with benefits and it was fun at first, but you were starting to catch feelings, which was bad. Worse than bad since George made it clear at the start of this that he didn't see you that way, it was just a bit of fun. You looked back at him, him shirtless was enough to drive you crazy. 
"I should go before we get caught." You lied standing up from the bed and looking for your own clothes, Fred knew about the situation and did his best to keep people out of the dorm room while you both did whatever but he was the only one who knew. George made you promise not to tell anyone. You changed into your own clothes and looked at the time. 
"I'm going to lunch." You lied again, walking out of the door and down the stairs, passing Fred on the way who made a passing comment about a hickey on your neck. You rolled your eyes going out to the court yard and taking in a deep breath of fresh air, you were under one of the columns since it was raining heavily outside.

"Y/N? What are you doing you'll catch a cold." George yelled coming outside, you'd been stood out there for an hour now, taking in the view of the castle grounds and listening to the rain. 
"It's peaceful." You whispered, he didn't hear you. 
"You'll catch a cold and then what use are you to me then." He smirked, that was it. Something inside of you snapped. 
"Is that all I'm good to you for? Sex!?" You yelled, George was taken back and looked at you, passing students stopping and staring as well. 
"No, of course not you're one of my best friends." He whispered clearly trying to get you to do the same but you were red in the face with anger and didn't care about people hearing anymore.
"I love you George. I always have and I always will...So I think it's best if we just...stop. You clearly don't feel the same so I'll just stop coming round, I'll not hang around you anymore." You were still talking rather loudly and by now Fred had come to see what everyone was looking at, 
"This is a private matter, move along." You heard him yell to people, but what you didn't know was that he was still listening in from around the corner. George stepped towards you and you back away, out into the rain which was pouring it down. 
"Get out of the rain you're going to get sick!" He yelled, you shook your head doing a turn and looking up at the sky. 
"Then I'll get sick, I don't care." You yelled back to him, he shook his head chasing into the rain after you, you ran down the hill, him close behind you when you finally stopped cause you had almost fallen down. 
"Shit." You whispered turning to See George standing face to face with you, he'd always been the dominant one in your situation. 
"Shit indeed." He said before grabbing your face and kissing you. The rain ran down your faces, to where your lips meet, each of you could taste the cold droplets, he pushed his lips more firmly against you and an intoxicating wave ran through you, your head was swimming, you pulled back to look at him. 
"I do love you Y/N...I just...have a funny way of trying to express it." 

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